Quote of the day: The truly depressing thing is that by passing the bar the big payoff is that...you're a lawyer. And an alcoholic.
It's now one week until the bar exam. I've studied for almost two months, done 900 practice questions (more to go), made hundreds of flash cards, and I'm now studying 8-10 hours a day. I'm doing all I can and I think I'm going a bit crazy. I'm still careening between ok-I-can-do-this to ohmygod-I'll-never-remember-all-this-I'm-just-going-to-curl-up-in-the-fetal-position-and-hide. No in between. Here's a pic of my study space upstairs. Note the Barbri studysmart software on the computer screen, post-its reminding me of things in Con Law and Torts that I keep forgetting, and the unused PMBR books.
This is my downstairs study space...note the stereo where I listen to PMBR cds, the thick books (that's not even half of them!!) and the chair where I sit and cry.
This will all be over soon, and I know it's a rite of passage, and I'll be a better person once I get through it. But, good lord, this is torture. Am I doing enough? Am I studying the right things? Can I trust Barbri? What should I wear to the exam? On the rare occasions I venture out of the apartment, I'm outraged to see people having fun. How DARE people be playing volleyball or sunbathing when the bar is one week away?!? Don't they know how miserable I am?
I still manage to watch Project Runway. And Hell's Kitchen. And So You Think You Can Dance. But it's all through DVR only...I have no time to deal with commercials. On a different subject, I did end up cutting my hair and dyeing it black. I'm not totally used to it yet.
Wish me luck, pray for me, etc., etc. I DON'T want to have to do this again.