THE RINGU NOTE: Or, How J-Horror makes anything interesting

Mar 07, 2006 17:45

Alright, I'm not too fond of Death Note. I don't have a reason why... It's just that the series is really dull to me, and the only character that I liked died before I had a chance to pick up the comic. (L! No! T-T)

With that being said, I'm going to watch the Death Note live action movie, once it comes to the states.

"Wot?" You say, "There's a Death Note Live Action Movie? I don't care about your anime-based woes, but tell me more on this!" For that, I make the angry emotion face at you. Look. :< But, nevermind that! Yes, there is a live Death Note movie coming out, and it comes out to Japan in June. I don't know many of the details about it (or even what L's actor is going to look like), but I do know one thing: it looks badass.

It looks highly badass in fact. I mean, the trailor is SPOOKY, and RING-ISH. It has weird flashes, to dead and sick people! And a flying apple! And Light's head! And bizarre images that make no sense! And more of Light's head! (And it's not like he's doing anything. He's just being creepy, and all "LOOK AT MY FACE! LOOK AT IT!") I swear, I'm watching this movie when it's available in the states. I love me some J-Horror, and I think I can tolerate Death Note a little better as an two-hour incriment than as a few takubon. (Sorry Jime... But I edo think your Light is pretty cute. ^_^)

Here's the link to the official site:
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