Sep 26, 2006 10:08

Right, so this is getting a LJ-cut, and this time it's not going to be a jerk-head-type spoiler-cut. (Feels bad about the last one.) Cut for those who do not want to see HP-stuffs or stills from the new movie.

I don't think I can just post these into the journal, since I'm not in the mood to save them and I don't think hotlinking will work... So just click on the link for the goodness.

MY GOD. Umbridge's room looks like a cheerleader's live-journal layout. It's like she has decided to protect her belongings with a "Tackypinkus" spell. It's like she's crafted the entire thing out of pepto bismal, just in case of ulcers caused by Harry and his minionscohorts.

I love her hair. It's like another overly sweet and grannie-esque detail to her Princess Prettypants layout and tea-set. (Anyone who catches the reference gets a treat. An ICON treat. :D)

Here's the DA, sans a few people (mostly Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs... And weren't there a few Slytherins in there as well? Well, woes. They're gone too.) I know a lot of people on The HMS STFU were complaining about it, but people it's a book that's more than five hundred pages being scrunched into the span of a 2-hour movie. (Personally, I rather would have Harry Potter as a cartoon show instead of movies. Better to fit the character appearances and easier to cover all of the book-y events. But I digress.)

No Marietta... I hope she was just off-camera or something at that image, and she's really plotting DA downfall for her Aunt. D: And who's Hermy going to label as a snitch via severe acne, whilst setting centaurs on Umbridge? (I still need to read this book, if only to see the descent of Hermione into the role as DARK MISTRESS GRANGER. (DUN DUNN DUUUUUN))

Also, check out Luna there. SHE'S TOTALLY CUTE HUZZAH! (Dances a bit, since we got a cute, sorta ethereal-y-creepy-kinda-off-looking girl for Luna, and she fits! Even without her cork-necklace and radish earrings.)

Figured I should put up a pic that most of the internet already doesn't have in their LJs and MySpaces... So here's a very distraught Trelawney being held by McGonagall (MMM. YURI.) as Umbridge is being a bitchhead. Alright, she's just standing there, but you know she was acting like a bitchhead before, and just ousted Trelawney.

So, expect a few more spoilers as 7-book info and 5-movie screens come out. I'll have to get into the books again, and probably will after the seventh comes out. (Come on, the fifth book has both screaming!Harry and bitchgodoftackyandnasties!Umbridge, so that's a lot for me to take. I can barely stand shouting, really very angry characters. (Anime is an exception, as it tends to be a littler less dire than in western books and movies. :/ I have no idea why I feel this way.))

meta, screencaps, harry potter, spoilers

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