Crack Drabble, from HiH

May 29, 2006 00:11

Title: Going Out Like the Gaunts
Author: Misa
Rating: R
Character/Pairing: Both the Weasley families and the Potter families, Ginny/Harry
Genre: Parody/Slight Romance
Warning: Hinted Incest... Well, sorta incest. It's hard to categoerize if it counts or not. And there's nothing on-screen, but I'm still giving this an R rating, to be on the safe side.
Additional Note: Please do not take this as bashing! ^^;; Ginny/Harry is one of my favorite couplings, but this was just a crack-drabble idea I got from the prompt.
Word Count:

It was the night before Harry, Ron and Hermione were to leave, to search for the Horcruxes. Nearly three months had been spent at the Burrow- the Dursleys' house and the Granger's home both nominated too dangerous to stay at, for entirely different reasons- the time spent crafting various potions, researching arcane spells, and trying to find a use for even the littlest things. (There had been a three-day argument between the three, over the functionality of a spell which only purpose was to turn people bright purple.)

In this time, Harry and Ginny had several meetings... Many that Molly Weasley had noted were often awkward and lead to much eye-avoidance. At first, she tried to think nothing of it. She had known about their quick period of dating, a fact that squicked her greatly (Thankfully, they had broken up before they knew... The horrible truth.). But, as the time past... She began to wonder, over the secret excursions the pair had, the often tears between the two.

She frowned. If it wasn't for this fact, she would've accepted their relationship with open arms. She loved Harry like a seventh son, and would've love to have him in the family. However... She was not one of those sort of purebloods, who accepted -that- type of relationship. She mentally gagged a little.

This night, she made the promise to let them both know the truth. Harry had already been in the living room, fidgeting as she worked on her knitting. "Mrs. Weasley..." He said, as he looked to the door, "I need to go finish up looking up the purposes of Dragon scales, and the benefits of using Horntail over Chinese Fireball scales in potions..."

"Sit still, Harry... This is something I need to talk to you and Ginny privately, and I'll probably only have a chance to say this once."

Finally, Ginny entered the room, "What is it you need, Mum?" She asked, before stopping abruptly at the entrance. "Oh... Harry..." Ginny said, her voice toned with the longing that it had, everytime she spoke to Harry.

"Ginny!" Harry said, as he stood up, pale. He stuttered, blushing as he looked over to Molly, a deer in the proverbial headlights, "Agah-juh... How did you-"

"You two are not the most secretive of people, keeping your hearts on your sleeves..." she said, as her hand motions on the knitting grew harder. Not that she was angry, but she didn't want to openly gag, at this time. Well... Better now than never. She placed the half-completed scarf. "Ginny, have a seat."

Ginny sat down, in the seat farthest away from Harry. At this point, the Weasley Matriarch got up, looking over to both of them, "Now, I don't want you dating anymore."

"Mum! You can't do that!" Both Harry and Ginny got up from their seats, "We're in love! You can't just break us up like this!"

She frowned, before she started up again. Oh dear. This was going to be awkward. "Well, you must promise neither of you will ever have children. I don't want to see the Potter family going out like the Gaunt, after all."

There was a quiet moment of confusion, "I bet you're both wondering what I meant by this comment... But I have something important to tell you both. Now, sit down, and I suggest you both also pull up a wastebasket."

"Now... Eighteen years ago, on Halloween to be precise, I believe you both know what happened to the Potters." There was a solemn pause, "However, there is one more detail that you both do not know of. Lily had been, at the time of her death, pregnant with her second child. A little girl, in fact.

"Now, when a witch dies when in child, there are some ways to save the unborn child... Particularly, when another witch is willing to take the fetus, for the rest of the gestation period. Now, thanks to a timely find and some careful magic, the fetus was transferred.

"After this point, the child was given to a family within the Order, one of the few who were... Comfortable with carrying yet another child."

At this point, both of them had a look of horror on their faces. "M-Mum... Are you saying..." Ginny whispered, pale as a sheet.

Molly looked over to her, "... I cannot force you to stop dating, but you must promise to never have children."

drabble, crack

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