
Sep 21, 2010 23:29

so today was kind of a waste. i ended up sleeping through the first half of my morning class (marble sculpting). This was because i couldn't sleep at all last night, my audio book was finished before i fell asleep, the music i have on my iPod wasn't soothing, it got really cold, and the mosquitoes were trying to mate with my eardrums! I swear! I have the heeby jeebys 24/7 now because i am always getting bit so now i feel them even when they aren't there! so when the alarm went off this morning at 6:30 i had just gotten back to sleep and i guess i just turned it off. when i finally got up and realized it was too late to go to school, i felt a little cranky.
this was to be a theme for the rest of the day.
All the little noises of the city started to bug me more than they should. the construction going on two floors below us sounds like it is in my room. someone locked their kid in the car and they decided to honk the horn for like 20 minutes and i swear it was right below my window. then the child had to start screaming after they got out of the car.
I made it to my second class ok, we examined "the Flagellation" by Piero della Francesco. Very interesting painting that utilizes the Golden Mean to divide the picture plane and (long story short) the subject matter turns out to be a message to the Duke of Italy to endorse a crusade against the invading turks, who had just won Constantinople. Who knew! i thought it was just about Christ getting flogged. the things you learn in Italy.
i have my first Italian quiz tomorrow, after my symbology class. its going to be on a couple verbs, some basic question and response, food and some other things. i hope i do well. we will see. i studied a bit so i should be ok.
Hope everyone is doing well in the states and has a great Autumn Equinox. Fall is here folks. I can already feel the world settling down for winter.
so with that i say arrivederci and good night.

italy, study abroad

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