Meme time yos!
1. Reply to this post saying, "I'm a freak bitch, baby" and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
ewlyn picked out these...
staysforadayThis is GaGa from her "Paparazzi" video. I thought she was adorable in this outfit. I like to use this icon when I find something a little gross or I disagree with something.
dorkhaengbokMy cracky Castiel icon! I don't have a lot of crack-type icons but I thought this one was pretty funny. I don't use it too much, I thought about deleting it but it still makes me laugh so its still here.
jackdawsonsgrlPaul! From Help! I was needing some Beatles icons and I love this moment in the movie. Paul was so cute! Its not exactly the most original icon ever, but I liked this one the most because it is simple. I saw a few with some crazy coloring or textures, and I like my icons simple with a basic coloring.
bluebear_74Eric from True Blood! This is my only True Blood icon. I went through a bunch of icons because I love Eric and wanted to have an icon (or 2) of him, but I am picky and didn't find anything, but I saw this one and loved it, because its simple, and I loved that part in that episode. I cracked up when he showed those kids his teeth. lol
crazy_pillDon't know if you can tell but that is Ben from "Lost". I really grew to love his character. I found him deliciously evil! And the more I watched him the more I couldn't get enough of his character. He holds so many secrets and it is intriguing. And to this point in the series he is one of my favorite characters on (or off) the island.
So I haven't been around much..why you may ask...well that is because I got me a new phone, and it isn't just any phone it is an iPhone. OMG my first official Apple product! I feel so geeky and cool. I am quite in love with it, so I have been playing with it adding apps to it, adding music. Well the only music I have on there right at the moment is GaGa and Robert's album. Crazy combo, but whateves. I also added a movie to it, "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang". So I am all set to go to the doctor tomorrow. LOL
The only thing I need to download now is a decent Texas Hold 'em game.
Speaking of apps, anything out there that I MUST INSTALL? Free or otherwise?
I guess that is it for now, I have 2 options of things to do at the moment...edit my NYC pics OR go read some Heroes fic? Hmmm...this is a tough decision, but I hear Peter and Sylar calling....