And This is Misha Being His Hot Ass Self on My Wallpaper!

Jun 06, 2009 15:19

Yes I am meme-whoring it up. Plus I just want to show off teh pretty!

Grabbed from imagine_peace
01. Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper at their LiveJournal.
02. Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper!
03. Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!

(click for the full size)

01. Because it is Castiel.
02. Because it is Misha.
03. Because Misha has pretty eyes.
04. Because Misha is hot.
05. Because Castiel is looking like a puppy and I want to pet him.

I saw "The Hangover" today. It was fucking hilarious! Totally worth checking out if you can. I will probably buy the DVD when it comes out.

I need some Misha or Castiel, mainly Misha icons. Has anyone seen any good Misha icon posts? Maybe icon posts from the recent con pics or something?
I don't keep up with a lot of icon posts, but I do keep up with the Castiel comm and the Misha comm.

I think I am going to go watch some TV or a movie or something or other.

Later babes!

tv show: supernatural, rl: computers, actor: misha collins, online: memes

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