"Cause Mostly I've Been Sprawled on these Cathedral Steps"

Apr 29, 2009 01:24

Well well well looky what the cat drug in...ME!
First I must pimp out my NEW LAYOUT!!!

lovelylora lovelylora lovelylora

And that is not all! My new PROFILE LAYOUT!!

Yes someone has been busy! I quite like both. And all the random lyrics you see floating around on the layout and profile, are of course My Chemical Romance, because I loves them muchly. Oh and on the profile if you hover over the images it will tell you who they all are. Of course I'm sure most of my FList will know who they are...or they better! *shakes fist*

Alrighty, now that that's out of the way, what's shakin' in LJ land?!
A few things are hoppin' here in Houston. First and foremost, FLOODS! Last night...Monday evening/night and Tuesday morning it stormed here in Houston and the surrounding areas. Well a shit ton of rain fell, some places it was around 11 inches, mainly it was between 7-12 inches (17.78cm - 30.48cm for you metric folks) in a 24 hour period. This on top of the big storms we had a week or so ago and BAM flooding.
A few highways were shut down and it was worse than when Hurricane Ike came through last year. Luckily I do not live near any water ways so everything was fine where I live. The same can not be said for my sister.
They just got new carpet and wood floors put in this past weekend, and her house got flooded and ruined all that new carpet and floors. I feel really bad for her. I called her today, because I kept hearing how badly it flooded on and around I-10, which is the highway that takes you to Katy and by where my sister lives. And when she called back she was telling my mom all about it. I think we are suppose to go over there soon and see the new carpet. I'm not sure what they are going to do now, I am just glad it didn't get in our house, cause that would majorly suck!

So that is what I was talking about on my Twitter today, all the news stations were saying stay home if you can, and that is what I wanted to do, but I had to go up to the doctor's to get my blood checked, but luckily the highway I drove on, I-45 wasn't bad at all and a lot of people did stay home because traffic wasn't bad at all, well not bad for Houston.

Tomorrow for you folks that care, or not care, the President will be on at 7pm to talk about something or other.
Which I am not particularly happy about, unless what he actually says is important and not some BS. And personally I can not think of anything overly important that he can say at the moment. Because between that stupid flu and the economy there isn't much he can say to make people feel better or fix the problems.

Okay whatever, enough of that...I am off to bed. I started watching my all-time favorite movie the other night, "V for Vendetta" and would like to finish it tonight.

Later gators and enjoy your Wednesday...LOST COMES ON TOMORROW....100th EPISODE!!!!

rl: family, rl: politics, rl: weather, online: lj

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