(no subject)

May 07, 2012 21:04

So I'm in the hospital again. Two months out, not to bad. I want to talk to the diabetes doctor about a pump, but I haven't seen him since the first morning here. I guess I should do some research online anyways.
Getting closer to dialysis. Not happy about it. Not only that, the shunt they put in didn't grow as much as they'd hoped. Thus, another surgery this week. This one more invasive. They want to pull a vein from the middle of my arm to the surface? At least that's what I understood. Two incisions. They haven't fully approved it yet either, because there is some sketchiness as to what type of sedation they plan on using, and if my lungs are up to it. Which terrifies me. Because I'm worried they'll under sedate me out of concern for my lungs, and I'll be awake while they rip up my left arm. And if this one doesn't get as big as they need it, they put in a artificial one that won't last as long, or move to the right arm. NOT HAPPY.
I'm tired all the time since I got here. Not super hungry. Bored. I've asked for a portable o2 tank several times, all I need is the little wheels, but they can't find any. Thus I can't really leave the room. I have to take it off just to use the bathroom and I sometimes find myself getting a bit winded.

I want to dress pretty and go places. I have a mad shopping urge. I think I'm down, and in true Taurus fashion trying to fill an empty spot with THINGS. I like things.

And I don't remember what else I was going to write about, as I just had a half an hour coughing fit. Poop.