Sep 03, 2004 17:07
Oregon's first anime convention, Kumoricon (, is *this* weekend? Kelli and I have been excited for this since... I don't know, November? I can't believe I didn't realize that it was coming up, and probably would have completely missed it had I not seen the article on the front page of the Living section in today's Oregonian.
This doesn't give me enough time to plan a costume for cosplay, man. It's this Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in Portland at the Marriott by the waterfront. The last time I was near the Marriott, there were snipers on the roof.
Kelli and I will probably just go for Monday, since it's only $15. She's thinking about dressing up as Tifa from FFVII. I'm thinking about dressing up as... well, I'd always imagined attending an anime con as Kino Makoto. Sailormoon was my first anime, first manga, and I can't remember exactly but I think my first role playing was as Lita.
Then if we ever have to wait in lines, I can yell "I won't let you take advantage of a girl's heart! On behalf of Jupiter, you are punished! Suuupurimu tuhundaaa!"
Does anybody else want to come with on Monday? I know I have a million anime freaks for friends. Kariann? Melanie?