Hi! To say I haven't been checking my LJ for a long time would be an understatement, considering I can't even remember when I last logged in to check the flist. I've certainly missed a lot of things while I was out!
As for me, aside from finally finishing my thesis and marching to the beat of the graduation drum in two weeks, nothing really interesting is happening in my life at the moment, so you didn't miss anything. I sleep better now though and I'm losing pounds I packed in during crunch time. Oh, yeah, I'm still staying in the lab to train newbies, scaring future minions into submission and all that. I seriously hope I get paid though, because the job market here for semiconductor companies ain't looking pretty.
Well, I might as well have fun before reality sets in.:D I already did some catching up in the social front of my existence last weekend and yesterday. Some bite-sized summary of my Project:Social Life. In all these pics, I'm the girl with the thick frame glasses, k?
1. Yesterday I watched "
Altar Boyz" with
mierin_lanfear at GreenBelt OnStage and it was... I've seen the light, guys! It was funny and very cheeky with the parody of boyband cliches I so love.:D I was kind of wondering what the reaction of the ultra-conservative Philippine church is thinking about this play?
The OtakuZine con last last April 5. I haven't been to a con in a long while, so this was ~amazing~. Could've used more anime cosplayers and less lolita-wannabes. (Don't hit me, Oui!)
An Arts Festival of sorts at the Cubao Expo. Oh, to have a million dollars that day...
Sorry for the incoherence. My body is still shocked from all the rest I'm getting haha.