lytdybr :: CERN run

Mar 18, 2013 04:26

I suddenly found that I enjoy posting here much more than I do in my ehh. Second! yes, second journal -- yes, this journal appeared first, gifted by alisa_ivanovna way back when 10.5 years ago.

Yesterday I went out for a short run. It was drizzling; I now have a fancy arm band for my iPhone, so i don't have to carry it in my hands. I quickly raised my heart rate and was soon tired -- ran too fast. Started walking; ran again; my head started to hurt -- the last time this happened I was in Boston, and boy was I in a foul mood. I went running with the thought that a few miles would surely improve it. When the head started hurting then, I persisted through pain -- and was so exhausted, so out of sorts, and in a such fouler mood when I finished, that I stayed off of running for months after, worrying that I will only feel worse when I run.

Yesterday I walked until the headache passed; ran again. By the end of my run (which really was very short, perhaps 20 minutes? 30? Way shorter than I planned it) I was dancing as I ran to my favorite frenchies: au premiere temps de la valse...

Which reminds me: I should seriously, seriously think about running music; I am getting slightly fed-up with my sixties french soundtrack, and the russian rock playlist, as well as kiddie-themed one, doesn't cut it. A while back I tried running to a sound of two tracks -- Chinawoman's "Lovers are strangers" and Max Avery Lichtenstein's Tarnation: one filled me with existential dread, the other lifted my spirits -- in circles, over and over again, but now the thought of those two together is shuddering.


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