Today was orders of magnitude better than yesterday. First of all, I dressed appropriately. Three layers of leg-wear, thank you very much.
Second of all, I found some skiing buddies.
Third of all, we had The Race.
And, finally, the ugly red blotches onmy face (they were there because i used a shitty 1000 yo sunscreen) are gone, and my face is now pretty much evenly red. Minus the raccoon eyes, of course.
So for the race I went down a short and pretty vertical slope, which wasn't particularly well-groomed (and most of the grooming was done by me and three other people half an hour before the race). This is the first time I've actually had to aim where to go -- it was a timed slalom. Well, the first time I wanted to go very fast, and of course fell as soon as I hit the first snow bank (i still managed to come first in my pair -- my partner also fell, but took much longer getting up). The second time I didn't care so much about being fast, but was concerned about not falling. As a result I skied super-fast, didn't fall at all, and am overall rather proud of my modest accomplishment.
Then me and this other post-doc went to a bunch of blue slopes, one of which was kind of icy in the middle with lots of soft snow on the sides, and a nearly vertical drop (compensated by the mountain being very wide) all the way down. I was fine, but on the last run did fall down in the very end -- I lost control, ended up in soft ungroomed snow, and fell face down almost at the very bottom. But it was fun. On the last run we were joined by a bunch of organizers.
There. I have more pictures which I will download tonight.
Cherrios, amigos!
happy v-day, i s'ppose