Curmudgeonly complaint - one

Aug 13, 2014 08:29

Salvaging discarded fans and refurbishing them is something Wulf does to save money. It is surprising how often someone will toss a fan that can be disassembled, cleaned, oiled, and put back into service. There are fans in every room. The white noise that fans produce can be helpful in aiding sleep, and a zephyr of air directed over water pipes can prevent freezing, so fans are useful even in winter. The problem is that so many of these small, used fans are oscillating fans.

Wulf has never in his life wanted a fan to oscillate. Wulf wants the air to go where the fan is pointed, not to skitter about the room. Although there is always a shut-off for the oscillation function, a small jostle will sometimes set the fan to flailing about again. Sometimes the mechanism can be disabled, but often this is not practical, as the fan will then just flop loosely.

Perhaps in bygone ages, when fans were horribly expensive, a family might only have been able to afford a single fan, so it seemed properly egalitarian to share the air. Mayhap miserly employers wanted to eke out extra work from overheated employees, so thinly spreading the coolth was the meanest means to accomplish this. Now fans are cheap and cheaply made, so much as to make then disposable in the regard of most consumers. Wulf only asks that manufacturers become cheaper still, saving the expense for all those unwanted oscillatory mechanisms.


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