December already?!

Dec 10, 2005 18:24

Livejournal "Year In Review".
(12 months, the first line of the first entry of each month. Acquired from Jeff's LJ, who plagiarised it from Beth's LJ, who probably misappropriated it from someone else's. "Stolen" gets sanitised by degrees.)

January: On Thursday it snowed for the first time this winter.
February: What are you doing right now?
March: I'm going to a lecture on mediæval literature in a few minutes but for now just needed a way to burn up some time, since it's at 4 and I'm not going to leave for the bus until 2:30 or so.
April: Don't miss it!
May: Well in 5 days' time I register for UBC's Education program.
June: This is officially the first entry of my LiveJournal posted during June of any year, and I've had this blog for almost two years now (thank you Bess for the code).
July: Enh, what the hell?
August: Hello everyone.
September: Latest Geek test results: 62.13018% (and climbing) - Extreme Geek.
October: Firefly meme: When you see this meme, post a quote from Firefly in your journal (stolen from Aria_Moonstar's LJ).
November: It's Friday night.
December: Went to a [mandatory] lecture today on using humour in the secondary classroom.

Huh. That could almost be a dialogue. I think I've been working with lesson activities and instructional strategies for too long without a break...

Almost done my English 8 unit on The Hobbit . I'll finish it tonight, which leaves me tomorrow morning and Monday morning to finish my Socials 8 one on feudalism (which I'm optimistically calling half done). Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh! Whew, I needed that. Ok I'm good.
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