Welp its Friday!
I got into work early today so I can leave early. I twas kinda weird coming in this early. Light everyplace were off, lol.. I was half expecting the alarm to go off when I opened the door to darkness, lol!
ANYWAY, Hope all those that are going to FC have a awesome time! I hope sometime to make it out there myself! It sounds like a really fun con! Some day! *nods*
So at around 2pm I'll start the trek down to Madison WI to go bother
jairus_greywolf and see what kind of trouble we can get into throughout the weekend. -actually, no. There will be no trouble. DOGS get in trouble. Wolves do what we want, and that's what we're gonna do! I'm bringing some lasers, a computer for playback to test/watch shows, etc, etc. Pretty much a laser geek-out weekend :P
As far as my diet goes I somehow I stalled my metabolism a tad so I need to reset the process. I'm not 100% sure where I went wrong but I'm just gonna start from step one and try over again. I tried to do too many things different at once and changed my known "good" routine to something that was different and unknown to try and speed up the process. Apparently I passed diminishing returns and just stalled it all together. -Not enough calories while working out is gonna be my guess. So anyway, no real update on that until I can get my ketone levels back up and stabilized. (next week, likely) Its kind of a bummer though. I was off to a great start until I messed it up! Oh well! -Still doing better than I was!
Anyway, time to get back to work! TTYL!