Alright, Its been a while so I might as well dig into this :P
I am going to try my best to get into some new years resolutions! I suppose I should start of with saying that 2011 has brought me a number of life changing events. The Most notable is that I have a new job, and no longer work in production. Its true I'll miss producing events but as far as the actual work (last place of employment) goes, I have yet to miss it and I don't see missing it anytime soon. I still have all my sound, video, lighting, and lasers. I will always be involved with production in some way shape or form as its my true passion and I don't see moving away from it ever. -That being said, I want to keep it a hobby and not a day Job. Honestly, I don't know what the long term future holds for me, but I can say I'm completely content with doing what I'm currently doing :)
So anyway, with that said, I want to bullet-form my goals for this year.
- Use LJ more. -I have really gotten away from this. Its important that I continue to use a journal.
- Get some high power laser projectors built for side projects (and general fun)
- Rekindle old and new friendships. -Ive grown to distant.
- Get debt taken care of this year, look for new house. -I really want to try and make this happen.
- Possibly start looking into a relationship. (single life is too lonely. I'm tired of being alone)
- Finish losing my extra weight and exercise at least a few times a week.
- Distance myself from dwelling on negative emotions/feelings.
- Try to be more open, stop being recluse. (old dog, new tricks? Its hard, but doable)
- New fursona**
I'm sure that last one was kinda like a "WAT?" when you read it, so I'll extrapolate. I feel that with everything that has happened in past years, and with all that I want to change now and in the future, it seemed fitting to make the transition from Wulfsige to someone else as I'm working on being someone else. A better person. I still intend to obviously keep Wulfsige as one of my characters, but really just as a fursuit and not as an actual "main fursona" I've grown out of what, at that time, he represented to me. Its time to move on and grow. Besides, I love my suit way too much to get rid of it! So with that said, There will NOT be a Wulfsige 3.0 -More news on the "new me" once I'm ready to share :) For now, there are a lot of things that need to be figured out with him. He's far from finished. Not only that, the waiting list for new suits are usually at least a year, so this isn't going to be a fast transition. This is just something I want figured out this year.
As for the other things in my bullet form above, they are all pretty self explanatory. I have a lot of things I want to work on this year, and I think I'm already off to a good start. As time goes on and I'm ready to tackle things I'll be writing more. If I wrote it all down now I'd have a nine page wall of text, lol.
I'll end this journal entry by saying that I have put a LOT of thought into every topic listed above and really feel I need to work on them. I hope I don't fail, and if I do I'll try my best to pick myself up and try again. I doubt I will fail as I have a number of wonderful people within my life and I know they'll be there if I need them.