So NJ and NY were awesome...

Dec 31, 2008 11:49

I had a great time and miss everyone a lot. All of the cousins came into town, and all of us girls went into NY on Saturday the 27th. Emma got to go ice skating at Bryant park and we did a lot of shopping where I got a wallet and fancy new coat. We met up with two of my other cousins, Mark and Ricky and went to Gus's Place, a great greek restaurant for dinner. Maureen and Colleen used to work for him so it's always great to see how excited Gus is to see them. The best part about dinner was how awesome they were with Emma's allergies. She could eat a lot of the entrees, all but one of the appetizers we ordered which has never happened to her before. The best part for her was the flour less chocolate cake, which was one of the best chocolate cakes I'd ever tasted and Emma loved it!

On Sunday the family got together and celebrated Christmas. Of course we're all older, so gifts consisted of opening envelopes, but we were all together and not for a funeral which made me very happy. I managed to get a picture with the whole family which may be the only one we have. A bunch of the cousins played Scattegories which consisted of Emma trying to defend answers by saying, "It sounds like a flower" or "It could be a street name." It was very cute.

A pleasant surprise was getting to see my friend Max since he lives in NY. He actually took the train in to Allendale to visit me at my aunt's house. Then, I got the okay to go back into the city with him where we went to a nice Irish pub and then back to his apartment where I saw Iron Man for the first time and thought it was pretty bitchin'. He let me crash on his couch (it was like 3 a.m. and the last train runs at 11 p.m.) and in the morning we grabbed breakfast and went back to Allendale and he and I hung out with Emma before we walked him back to the train station. It was so nice of him to take all the extra train trips to come out in the first place and to escort me back. It was very freeing to go into the city with a friend and just do what we wanted to do without an itinerary with family. Don't get me wrong, I did love the time in NY with the cousins.

The only thing I didn't get to do that I really wanted to accomplish was go to the cemetery and say hey to Grandma. I am fairly disappointed that I didn't get to visit her, but I did take remembrances of her back with me. My aunts and mother gave the cousins some of Grandma's old jewelry and I got an F.B.I. pendant that was my Grandfather's and I never got to meet him so that meant a lot to me.

It was a great trip and I'm so glad that we went up there! I always miss everyone when I leave, but hopefully I'll see them again soon- and for a happy occasion.

Emma's in the center with Coll on the left and Maur on the Right ice skating in Bryant Park.

new jersey, new york, christmas

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