Nov 07, 2004 22:04
Theyre for my friends.
survey. stolen for the one and only Chelsea. yeah. im that bored.
---» Attraction
Are you a flirtatious person?: yes, i believe so.
Physically, what immediately draws you to the opposite sex?: eh their apperence. eyes, facial features, body figure.
Personality-wise, what immediately draws you to the opposite sex?: his humor, his kindness.
Is their social status important?: no, but he has to be sociable.
Does it matter if they are involved in activities like sports or music?: I believe so. they have to do more than sit around and play video games and music is a big part of my life so mutual feelings are peachy.
Have you ever gotten butterflies because you liked someone so much?: yeah, everytime i like someone ill occasionally get butterflies.
---» First Date
For a first date, would you rather go out alone or out with friends?: hm with a group of friends but eventually do our own thing.
Go to a place where you can talk or go to a place where you can have fun?: both.
To you, is feeling a ‘connection’ important on the first date?: yeah, so there can be another one.
What is one place you wouldn’t want to go to for a first date?: Uh to his grandma's house.
Have you ever been on a blind date?: no
Do you kiss on the first date?: i never actually went out on a "date" its just a hang out-ish thing. But no, not usually the first time we hang out.
---» Love
Have you ever been in love?: i dont think so.
How do you know if you’re in love?: im not sure. but its something you feel and do.
Have you told someone that you loved them when you really didn’t?: yes.
Is having love in your life important?: yes.
Do you think you are or will be good at expressing love?: yeah, why not?
Do you think it’s true that we all have one soulmate in our life?: If you meet with that person.
---» Upsets
Have you ever liked/loved someone and never had that feeling returned?: yes.
Have you ever asked the opposite sex out and been turned down?: i dont usually ask out guys.
Have you ever been set up as a joke?: no
Have you ever dated someone because you felt bad about turning them down?: hmm no. i like who i like.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: not by someone who i loved or liked.
what do you think of when you hear...
1. Ice Cream? milk.
2. Pink? crayon.
3. Blue? clouds.
4. Party? getting wasted.
5. Love? happyness
6. Yellow? support our troops. lol
7. Red? rudolf.
8. Black? paint it black.-the rolling stones.
9. white? winter
10. sugar? hyperness.
Do you....
11. Have a b/f........g/f?: no
12. If so, who?: eh no one.
13. Do you really love that person? stfu.
Do you like...
14. bananas? sometimes.
15. cheerleaders? what kind of question is this?
16. Football players? yeah. men in tights are mad sexy?
17. skiing? only old people ski.
18. feet? feeties!
19. school? oh god yes. i <33 it more than life itself.
20. ice cream? sure thing.
how is...
21. Your life? spinning in circles.
22. Your weekend going? its over.
23. your mom? shes just peachy.
24. your day so far? hes on anti depressants. does that explain enough?
25. Your love life going? its okay, i want it to go somewhere.
26. Your belly button? its hanging in there.
are you....
27. ever going to get married? eventually, if things work out.
28. going to the beach? maybe in the summer when its not 42 degrees out.
29. a girl? yeah.
30. a boy? only on the weekends.
31. a transvestite? no.
[ current clothes ] pink thong, black bra, black sleeve-less shirt, pj bottoms and pooh bear socks.
[ current mood ] uh bored.
[ current music ] The Doors.
[ current taste ] taco.
[ current hair ] looking like shit.
[ current annoyance ] my neck hurting.
[ current smell ] tacos.
[ current thing I ought to be doing ] math homework.
[ current desktop picture ] Jim Morrison cause hes madd sexxxy.
[ current favorite group] Mindless Self Indulgence
[ current book you're reading ] umm idk.
[ current CD in CD player] Atreyu i believe idk where my cd player is.
[ current movie in VCR] not sure.
[ current color of toenails ] blackish purple.
[ current refreshment ] i dont have one.
[ current worry ] going to school tomorrow.
last thing/person ___
[ you touched ] my keyboard?
[ you talked to ] Father.
[ you hugged ] um, cory?
[ you instant messaged ] Chelsea Nixon! <3
[ you yelled at ] my brother.
[ you kissed ] wow. this was like ten years ago. more like a summer ago. this kid chris.
[ food ] idk. i like food.
[ drink ] pepsi.
[ colors ] black and lime green.
[ album ] Frankinstien Girls seem strangly sexy.
[ shoes ] vans. or my old etnies.
[ candy ] gummy bears.
[ animal ] wolves.
[ TV show ] The O.C
[ movie ] Thirteen and Harry Potter movies.
[ vegetable ] i like corn.
[ fruit ] pears.
[ cartoon ] south park, wolf's rain, futurama.
are you __
[ understanding ] yes
[ open-minded ] yes
[ arrogant ] i can be.
[ insecure ] i am.
[ interesting ] to a certain extent.
[ random ] i am. Lianna said i was the most random person she knew.
[ hungry ] not at the moment. but im thirsty. thanks for asking.
[ friendly ] to those i like.
[ smart ] about certain things.
[ moody ] i can be.
[ childish ] no.
[ independent] hm not generally. i find myself some what needy for enterainment.
[ hard working ] if i like what im working on.
[ organized ] i am but then again im not.
[ healthy ] not at all.
[ shy ] lmfao. stfu.
[ difficult ] not really.
[ attractive ] I wouldnt say so.
[ bored easily ] very.
[ messy ] no.
[ thirsty ] yes i am. brb. ima get a drink.
[ responsible ] ok. im back. yes i am.
[ obsessed ] no.
[ angry ] i can be and i do get angry.
[ sad ] i get sad, yes.
[ happy ] i can be.
[ hyper ] i get hyper often.
[ trusting ] very.
[ talkative ] i believe so. haha
[ legal ] as long as the coppers dont know, yes.
who do you want to
[ kill ] this kid jeff in my art class.
[ slap ] alot of people.
[ get really wasted with ] chelsea.
[ get high with ] lol andrew.
[ tickle ] your a freak.
[ kiss ] andrew.
[ look like ] hm idk but i wish i was pretty.
[ talk to offline ] right now? uh uh andrew maybe?
[ talk to online ] joshua.
W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E -
What do you notice first?: Smile, eyes, hair, body figure, shoes.
Last person u slow danced with: joe capillo? or andy lydick.
Worst question to ask?: " did it hurt?... when you fell from heaven?"
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
Sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?: uh no. i have more of a life then that. not by much. but i do.
Save aol/aim conversations: no, i instead post them in my blurty haha
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no. i still fit in with the guys even though im a girl.
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
You talked to on the phone: elise.
Hugged: bobby
You instant messaged: chelsea.
You laughed with: elise
Kissed: i swear these are repetative questions. chris.
-D O .Y O U-
Color your hair: i have, once.
Ever get off the damn computer: yes.
Habla espanol: uh whats that? your gay? ya.
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
Smoke cigarettes: occasionally.
Obsessive: no. only over music.
Could you live without the computer?: no.
How many peeps are on your buddylist?: 60--but i talk to them all ;-)
Whats your favorite food?: repeat in questions. jeebus. idk i like food.
Whats your favorite fruit?: pears.
Drink alcohol?: yes i do.
Like watching sunrises or sunset: no. it takes too long.
What hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?: emotional pain lasts longer.
Trust others way too easily?: not at all.
-N U M B E R-
Of times I have had my heart broken?: none by guys but by friends like twice.
Of boys I have kissed? : 4 different guys.
Of boyfriends have I had: real? none. :-( but fling things that kind of count. like 3
Of times I have moved? : 11
Of tight friends?: 5.
Of cd's that I own? : i dl music but i have like alot.
Of scars on my body? : only scars that are scratches or scabs i picked at.
Of things in my past that I regret? : none. things happen for a reason.
I KNOW: everything? not really.
I WANT: to not start my math homework.
I HAVE: a pain in my neck.
I WISH: i could have hot orgasmic sex with andrew.
I HATE: alot of people.
I MISS: allentown and all my allentown friends.
I FEAR: tornadoes.
I HEAR: moosic.
I SEARCH: google.
I WONDER: what he feels.
I LOVE: my friends.
I CARE: about alot of different things.
I AM NOT: thirsty anymore.
I DANCE: naked.
I SING: to my songs.
I CRY: rarely.
I DO NOT ALWAYS: appear postitive.
I WRITE: poetry.
I WIN: the lottery. ya i wish.
I LOSE: in life.
I CONFUSE: everyone
I LISTEN: to music
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: somewhere where ever your not.
I NEED: motrin
I AM HAPPY ABOUT: uh nothing.
I SHOULD: choke you.
I GOT THIS FROM: chelsea's blurty.
Who Is Your ...
loudest friend :: ohmigod chelsea.
quietest friend :: eden
skinniest friend :: danielle
funniest friend :: chelsea, tim, brianna, chuck
smartest friend :: eden
ditziest friend :: allison.
cutest friend :: andrew
prettiest friend :: tina
happiest friend :: tina and chelsea lol cause her mom is making her ravioles and she hearts greg.
best friend :: chelsea, tina, brianna, valerie, and josh.
most sarcastic friend :: chelsea
most depressed friend :: valerie i believe
friend with the best body :: tina? im not sure.
friend with the prettiest eyes :: chelsea and andrew
friend with the best hair :: tim and lol andrew
friend with the best smile :: i <3 andrew's smile and briannas
friend with the best house :: Christina's
friend with the best parents :: i like chelseas mom. but i dnt like anyones parent's really.
friend with the cutest bf :: idk.
friend with the cutest brother :: uhh eh?
best shopping friend :: tina
best dancing friend :: idfk
best movie seeing friend :: idk. you sit there and watch a movie. doesnt take much effort? but me and chelsea are supose to see ALFIE! lmfao.
best double date friend :: ya cause ya know thats gona happen.
best ice skating friend :: iceskating is for dicks.
What is the worst feeling in the world?: being rejected.
What is the best feeling in the world?: feeling loved, feeling needed.
What do you look for in a friend: humor, personailty.
What do you look for in a boy/girlfriend: personality and attractivness.
Have you ever felt lost/upset/confused and couldn't find a reason?: yes
Do you ever act like everything is fine, when it's not?: eh, no i wear my emotions on my sleeves.
What people would you never want to lose?: my closest friends and my parents. (my mom can disapear for awhile though.)
What items are the most special to you?: my cats, my computer, my clothing, idk my stuff. my lime wire-ness.
Have you ever just wanted to escape?: of course.
Have you ever wanted to die, just to escape?: uh no.
What song fits your life the best right now?: Paint it Black.