Immanentizing the Eschaton

Nov 17, 2006 12:02

This morning I have been gaining information.

From Notting Hill to immigration, to Greenwich and the Prime Meridian(s), to Isaac Newton, to the Priory of Scion* to Foccault's Pendulum and Dan Brown and then to Illuminatus! (not once but three times) and Finnegan's Wake** but wait a moment, wait a mo, that was later; from Pendulum to Et In Arcadia Ego and then the Invisibles and Zenith*** and the Filth and then a look at the history of Scooby Doo and a cartoon from America I have never heard of that pastiches Jonny Quest called ... Venture something, I forget now ... reading episode synopses and then somehow, did I end up on ARCDream downloading things like Insylum and the odd DG scenario and then - surprise - I encounter thomryng on a weird wiki somewhere mentioning "his" edition of the King In Yellow**** courtesy of the Harliquinade and John Tynes where I discover that Unknown Armies has apparently been discontinued would you credit it; Puppetland; 7eme Cercle; and somewhere in the middle there was a brief look at sacred geometry and the radio adaptation of Luther Arkwright***** and there was a brief look at the meaning of masturbation****** and a conscious effort of thought to get away from sextopics because it is far too early; the number [(3*8)-1] and its conspiratorial nature; and then a check on Ia(i)n Banks for reasons to do with the conspiratorialist theory of history******* who it turns out was born in Dunfermiline which is the first place I can remember living as a child******** and I end up in a tussle to decide whether to go and find out what happens in Cassini Division by Ken McLeod because I can never seem to find a copy in the library and then

then time starts to compress and I'm sure I've been at this for hours
but maybe not because its only half ten and then !suddenly! it's half eleven!

How the hell did that happen?

The Internet is evil; it is a drug. I am finding it very hard to tear myself away, I have a dozen little tabs open and am trying to stop reading them but there's just so much stuff out there. Too much. Information overload and the urge to follow just one more link and see whats at the end of it and bam it's half an hour later. Maybe I need more coffee and sleep and stuff. And the Count of St Germain is still sitting there, innocently, since around half-nine and I still haven't got round to finding out what wikipedia thinks about him, and yet I end up at Atlas Games without his help.

* in whatever spelling you fancy
** it's odd
*** (and a brief stop to a fan site that summarizes the Zenith run to catch up and amuse myself)
**** (but no data there, yet, or its missing
***** which brings back more memories than I can process at the moment because my eyes are starting to hurt; of that particular summar reading comics and midget gems and peoples whose surnames I knew at the time but not any more
****** - the greeks were all for it but the egyptians thought it was too magical maybe
******* the belief that history is shaped by the conspiracy theories of the participants, I can't remember where I first read it
******** My earliest memory can't be real because it seems to dreamlike but has to do with my mother trying to push a pram up a tower in Dunfermline or maybe Edinburgh I can't remember but it should be me in the pram so it can't be real.
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