That sucks.

Oct 27, 2012 10:15

Looks like my laptops motherboard just gave up the ghost. Since it's already been replaced once under the warranty that ended a couple of years ago, I think it's finally dead. Now I just have to figure a way to get all of my personal information off of it, including my files. I don't thing I really had much on their, as I was using an external hard drive for most of that, but I still don't want to dispose of it before wiping the thing.

And there's the problem. I can't get it to display ANYTHING, because the display thinger on the mobo is dead. I'm pretty sure. I tried connecting my cintiq to it as an external monitor, and it just mirrored the same black screen that my laptop had.

There was a suggestion to unplug it, take out the battery, and let it hang out for five hours to drain the CMOS battery and then try again. I figured, what the hell? So it's sitting on my bed sans battery for the first time every.

What's really disappointing was that I was going to do nanowrimo on it, since scrivener and my good computer just don't get along AT ALL. Before I updated scrivener, the computer would freeze after three minutes of the program being open. Every time. Now it takes about a half hour? I should test it.

Just waiting for my computer to crash, now. Then maybe I'll sign up for the forums, or start a bug report, or something. Hopefully it's fixed!

I'm sad that my laptop died. It was a good laptop. (Minus needing the motherboard replaced less than two years into it's life.) I'm glad I have a desktop now, but I will miss the slight portability of my laptop. I wonder if I could get a really cheap little netbook for typing?

day-to-day, computer

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