Goodbye party.

Aug 11, 2012 23:52

Well, goodbye marii_chan. I probably won't see you again for a while... Enjoy your move! And spending time with your bro! And seeing pirate_squid!

We went for dim sum for noon, and of course I was late. I was grabbing some things for linguine tonight, so that's why!

We ordered epic amounts of food, and managed to eat nearly all of it. There are a few left overs in my fridge, which I forgot about until just now. Delicious?

After having a great time at dim sum and trying some of their new things, we caught the Spadina bus-

-and then the other bus to get to my place. We picked up some milk at the grocery store, and then back to my place! We lost one of our group for a while. Apparently he couldn't find us, so he went ahead to my place hoping that we were there? We finally found him, and all was pretty much good.

We played my 5-6 expansion for Catan, FINALLY. It was a loo-oong game though! Two of our players had never played it, but they caught on pretty quick. Finally, marii_chan won!

It rained for a little while, and then there was an honest to goodness DOUBLE RAINBOW.

Pictures were taken, maybe I'll get those sometime?

I made food, and R and R helped chop things. Then I realised that I'd left the noodles at the supermarket when I'd bought them before dim sum, or something? Grabbing what I thought was the right receipt, R, R, K and I all moseyed on down to the grocery store. Once I cleared it with customer service, I realised that I had grabbed the wrong receipt, so I'd just pay for the noodles.

She said 'Oh, no. It's been less than fourteen days, I'll exchange them for you.' AMAZING. So we got home, I had *plenty* of food this time, and everyone got their fill I think. I finished up with some Christmas baking, and then it was washing up and everyone pretty much had to go.

A good time, but still a little bittersweet. It's hard to let friends go, but it's one of those things like you see in movies. If we ran into each other, twenty years from now, I'm sure we'll still sing together and laugh at things. And also make fun of the Dufferin Mall's new tag line: Dufferin Mall. Really.

Have a great time, and get hired by a great studio! You're a great artist, you deserve it!!

links, party, youtube, music

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