Jan 18, 2005 14:17
Well dear friends the Wulf is once again in the dumps...depression why d'ust thou endeavour so to be my friend?!
The Wulf has a question for so many of you...
Why is it sooo many women cry that they just want a nice guy, who will put them first, and be true to them, and them alone. And then when lo and behold a man like this stumbles into their life, they seem to be in a race to see how quickly they can shit all over him, and then whine about his becoming an asshole? Let's face up to it ladies, how do you think assholes come about? Do you think they are grown on some evil farm in the middle of nowhere, or could it possibly be that once a nice guy takes about as much shit as he can possibly stand, he eventually mutates into (insert big gasp here)...an ASSHOLE!
Well not to fear gentle readers, the Wulfster hasn't gone this route yet, but the Wulf does believe his bull shit-o-meter is getting near it's maximum capacity... All the Wulf truly wants is what he has been promised by 30 some odd years of false advertising, and t.v. lies...a warm, loving nurturing relationship... Yes that's right the Wulf simply wants, what everyone claims they want too, some one to love, and be loved by, because let's face it true believers....loneliness is a bitch, and she bites!
Brightest Blessings,
The Wulf