Been a while

Dec 19, 2004 21:10

Well boys and girls, it has been a while since I've posted on the madhouse that's my life...LOL

Have you ever seen someone on the web who might otherwise be perfect for you, but couldn't seem to get ahold of them...well more on that later...LOL

I imagine a few of you have been going...hey where's that nutball of love we all know and love, Wulf...well boys and girls the Wulfie has been moping around in a fog of self pity, and depression...yes it's true LOL About 2 weeks ago I broke up with my girlfriend, but then that wasn't much of a suprise, it had been over a month since we had seen eachother, and as the few priviliged of you know the Wulf doesn't do so good with loneliness (it often results in my writing bad poetry...nononono I'm not going to torture you with that! heheheheh) Well I am looking forward to x-mas this year (oh quit gasping I haven't gone all christian on you, the Wulf is still as pagan as ever...), I get to have my son on x-mas eve! WOOT, nothing on earth better than watching the 3 year old love of your life ripping the paper off his newest toys...LOL

Well onto bigger and better things, anyone interested in donating to the "Get Wulf a new Tat fund"?? It seems like I'm getting a hankering for the needle again(who'd think I would ever want a needle on my skin...LMAO!) I really haven't decided on what I want, I'mn kind of leaning towards maybe getting a dragon this time (BIIIG surprise, huh! LOL) I know for a fact that it won't be on my back (that being reserved for a Raven...heheheh), especially since that won't happen till I can get my sketch done...AND have a significant other to help me rub it down with lotion...LOL

Well boys and girls, I think I'll let you go sift through my words of wisdom for deeper meanings now, and I promise the next update won't take so long...LOL

Loves ya!
The Wulf
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