Book Sale!!!

Jan 05, 2010 16:54

I love going to thrift stores in search of books.

Today's Haul includes:
*The Norton Anthology of American Literature Volume A (FOR 50 CENTS!! I saved $29.13...for a book that I had no intentions of buying anyway, but for FIFTY CENTS?!?!)
*Tess of the d'Urbervilles (can't believe I didn't already own this)
*Wiesel's Night
* Candide
* Cliff's Abeng (For school)
*The Jane Austen Book Club (for obvious reasons)
*Sex and the City (I hear Charlotte is an uptight British bitch...def. intruiged)
*The Birth of Venus
*Longfellow's Evangeline and Other Poems (Cause I saw it and couldn't get that song from Princess and the Frog out of my head)
*The Mayor of Casterbridge (Cause I saw it and couldn't get a conversation I'd read in a Baby-sitter's club book out of my head)
*The Constant Princess (Love those false Tudor romances)

Plus, another Shape magazine and a Gilad Workout video. All together, I paid about 6 dollars. and only that much because Tess and Night were Peddlers Mall buys which are a bit more expensive.

...I think--I think--I'm going to buy a new laptop tonight? From Dell?

I flove my current lap to death, but the external DVD drive and wireless card are killing me. Plus, it would be nice to have a laptop that's charge stays longer than 20 minutes (not even kidding).


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