sunfesttt! james brown and john mayer <--yumyum

May 04, 2003 01:27

WOW i just gotta say sunfest rocks so much. friday nite i was there for the james brown concert. and that was just crazy. that man was like 70 and he's busting dance moves like michael jackson. crazy leg stuff. no joke ;) sooo after school me and camila hit the mall for some free underwear from victoria's secret -yesss ;) and some quick shopping.. annnd i finally got shades so i don't ahve to squint like mad to see while i drive... BUT me being dum brought them to sunfest and lost them today while i was squeezing thru the crowds. im sooo ticked. grr neways that was the only downpart. but yea on friday.. after the mall we went to brians and met up with his buddies from college. played a lil pool--- like one of the worst games in my life.. but that's alrite - it's in the past. hehe
james brown live was just sooo cool. i had to come home and immediately download stuff on kazaa. i was into it, everyone was into .. esp chaz he was awesome.. he like needed a lil side stage for himself cause he was busting out with all these dance moves.. hehe AND some mid age lady with a husband at home was shakin her maraca <--sp? all up and down his body and brian's oth friend ian starts takin off his shirt some and dances up to her and then all of a sudden u got 3 college boys dancin up on this woman who is shakin her maraca allll over their bodies. it was just very funny.. like extremely. hehe i had such a good time ;) and then after we watched some fireworks then me and camila had to split to get home.. kinda an early nite.. but i was pooped.

hehe he yumyum was directed at john mayer.. not really at the godfather of soul.. hehe he's just a lil bit too far... age-wise. butt im sure he's still a pimp he was like mackin with the dancer girlies. so me em ren erika eric and jesse went to go to see john mayer. and we get there like really early .. extremely early like 7ish. so we're like cool he starts at 830 we have time to get around and walk and stuff. so we're walkin and getting ALL this realllyy cool free sunfest stuff .. for ex: my really cool washington mutual giraffe chopsticks, my singular hankercheif, my 95.5 glowing star, hmm what else? OH YEA! i won free kentucky fried chicken strips... i threw this chicken into the bucket! hmm yes i guess that is it. but heyy pretty good earnings hehe. sooo the point is with all that cool stuff... and we had to buy fooodd we ended up not going back towards the stage till 8:20 while his performance was in 10 minutos... it just didn't work out right. SOOO many people and we tried to push our way forward and ren got yelled at... by this scary man. who put his arms out and was like "NO! no one's moving up" and ren was like "who ARE u?" and he was like "WHO are YOU?" .. and im like "hey! don't yell at my friend! forget it we're tryin to meet our friends." and i pulled her away and it was bad.. it could've been a FIGHT lol. yea. the only bad thing was moving around just so we could get a decent view. that took up a lotta time. so it felt like the concert was EVEN shorter than it was..BUT guess what he CAME back! hehe yea cause i called for him u kno... hehe but he came back and sung another song and i was like yesss ;) it was cool. but the other bass guitar guy wasn't cool lol jesse and me agree he looks like a raper convict type it was creepy... hehe and yes john mayer does make a funny face while he's singing and stuff but HEY no crackin on him cause he's my future husband hehe no joke <- i always say if he sang to me i'd have to marry him. the whole not being able to find brian and his buddies kinda annoyed me cause we were supposed to meet up with them AND they were closer too.(to the stage) by a lot. but by the end of the concert i had a reallly good view. so afterwards we met up with them for a lil bit.. then we went to sloan's ice cream.. then there was a lotta traffic so we took our time leaving. jamming and dancin in the streets and we got ice cream at this reallly yummy chocolate shop. mmghhf sooo good. ;)em's mom treated us it was nice ;) and then on the way home we listened to oldies hehe really good stuff ;)
and now im gonna go shower and go to bed.. cause it's late
its past my bedtime ;)

nitenite everyone
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