Apr 18, 2003 02:16
Is Ren!
So, we've just watched Back to the Future finally. While Stephannie was updating my journal I was yelling at Erika to change her sheets so we can finally start the damn movie we had been meaning to watch for hours while baking cupcakes, making daiquiris, applying aloe vera, and playing with Logan. So of course, what does Erika do? NOT change her sheets, I'll tell you that! She just goes into the bathroom to do an hour-long ritual. So Emily decides that we should change the sheets. So I lock the door and we quickly change her sheets and then put her bed stuff back like it was before. In the middle, we heard Erika coming so we're running around putting her 88 pillows back onto her bed and jumping on and pretending she didn't do anything. She finally comes in a little while later and she looks at her bed, and she picks up the old pillow cover and she says, "Where's the other one?" And I do a little "Tsk, did it fall over the bed again?" and look under there, grinning widely (you all know I can't keep a joke) and she looks SO CONFUSED and finally asks, "Did you guys change the sheets?" and we burst into laughter.. we always think we're so sneaky and we're such immature girlies when we get together :] It's so much fun, though.
I had a lot of fun today. We went to Deerfield Beach. There were so many people there, and we decided to go on the right side of the peer where there were 10 times less people and of course all of them also happened to be 10 times older than the people to the left. So we spent a few hours looking for hot 80 year olds and obviously failed. And the weather was so beautiful, and the ocean was so nice and refreshing, and the waves weren't huge but they were big enough later for Erika to teach me to boogy board-- SO MUCH FUN! We took a billion pics of that and of us laying out and of aloe vera erotica and of us making silly faces. It was all just so much fun. We saw Megan and Jackie and Larry at the beach and Larry was all buff.. hee hee. And then we drove around trying to find a Checkers because all three of us suddenly got a craving for it. But we couldn't find one :< So then we went to my house and got BTTF and Green Mile and went back to Erika's.
Overall.. it was fun. I'm really glad we hung out again. I like this a lot. I'm not used to the whole girls-day-only type of thing; it's been really rare lately, so today was really good. And only a few moments included calling boyfriends to keep them posted.
Anyway, some people are getting pissed that I'm clacking away at Erika's noisy keyboard, so I guess we're gonna hit the sack.
Good night all; I hope to see you wuhoo'ers again sometime. And goodnight lonely squirrel refugee hiding out somewhere near Erika's house. We shall miss you.