It's actually the Doctor, but I felt that would be a cop-out since I already gave a
detailed explanation as to why I love the Doctor. I also know what you're all thinking: If Rory's your favourite character, why was
Amy your favourite companion?
Yeah... well... shut up.
I'd also like to say HIII. I'm still alive, I promise. Busy with school and such, but I'm around. <3 If any of you want to keep up with my mad, mad life my Twitter is
chakaxd and I'd love to talk to you allllll.
I love Rory, I do. When we first met him in the Eleventh Hour I really, really, really thought he was going to be a Mickey-esque character and I was kind of like, "Ugh, really? Go away. Please." But... then he came back in The Vampires Of Venice, was adorable when he was phoning Amy drunk at his stag night to remind her how much he loved her, and most importantly? He's not afraid to put the Doctor in his place.
Which, honestly enough, is something not a lot of people have done to the Doctor in his time, at least in the episodes I've seen. Jackie asked him, "Can you promise my daughter will be safe?" and Mickey obviously didn't like him but was reluctant to challenge the aura of authority the Doctor kind of emanates completely and totally.
Rory, though, he didn't hesitate to tell the Doctor that he was dangerous because he constantly made people want to impress him. And it's true-- if I travelled with the Doctor I'd want to earn his approval and respect through hard tasks and life-endangering situations as much as Amy Pond or Martha Jones.
I think Rory makes the Doctor look at himself in a different way, and I also think he provides the Doctor and Amy with the right amount of balance on the TARDIS. They're both mad, as mad as each other, and Rory's much more stable than either of them. He keeps them grounded while still remaining awesome, and that is something to be admired.
Oh yeah, and did I mention? He waited for his fiancée for TWO THOUSAND YEARS. I mean... hellooooooo.
Love you, Rory. *snuggle* I'd marry you if you were my sort-of-boyfriend, definitely. <3