Stolen from
shadow243ali who stalked my LJ and therefore made me stalk hers. :P
Pick five of your favourite shows, in no particular order, before you read the below questions, then answer them!
1. Doctor Who
2. Heroes
3. Firefly
4. Avatar: The Last Airbender
5. How I Met Your Mother
01. Who's your favourite character in 2?
Peter Petrelli, hands down. For reasons I have listed so many times it's like they're engrained in my sub-cranium. He's a great guy who wants to help the world move towards better places and he'll give up anything, even his own life, if he thinks it'll save somebody -- even if he doesn't even know them. Seriously, so much love for that man.
02. Who's your least favourite character in 1?
Oooh, see, this is tough because I like all the characters. But I guess if I had to pick one I liked the least it would be... ahh... it's a toss-up between Martha and River, who are each magnificent characters in their own right but who are also characters I could take or leave without much care.
03. What's your favourite episode of 4?
Oh, that's not fair. D: ATLA has so many good episodes... but I'd have to go with The Blind Bandit. Toph is just a badass tiny blind girl.
04. What's your favourite season of 5?
For some reason I really remember enjoying season three. A lot. Don't ask me why, though, I haven't the foggiest! :P
05. Who is your favourite ship in 3?
See, this is an unfair question because Firefly's ships are magnificent. D: Mal/Inara? Simon/Kaylee? Wash/Zoë? Jayne/Vera? TOO HARD. But if I had to choose, I'd have to go with Wash/Zoë just because their love makes me smile. <3
06. Who is your anti-ship in 2?
ERMMMM. Claire/West. Creepy little stalker boy. Or Claire/Gretchen, though I could've gotten behind that if they hadn't messed with Gretchen's characterisation by changing her personality around ALL THE TIME.
07. How long have you watched 1?
I started watching in December of last year. Now it's tied for, and has quite possibly even surpassed, my favourite show. I am obsessed. Majorly.
08. How did you become interested in 3?
It was the summer before 10th grade. My mom came home from walking with the Mrs. Trish, a family friend, with them in her hand and said that she had recommended it for me. That was my mother's first mistake. That was my first venture into serious fandoming. I joined a fan forum and everything. I wonder if she regrets that now? .... I wonder if she even realises that's where it started?
09. Who's your favourite actor/actress in 4?
ERM. This is hard because they're voice actors... but I do like Sokka a lot. He's humourous. So the guy who voices him, whose name escapes me at the moment...
10. Which do you prefer: Show 1, 2 or 5?
YOU. ARE EVIL. I can say I prefer Heroes and Doctor Who to How I Met Your Mother (sorry, NPH), but it's very hard for me to choose between Doctor Who and Heroes. So I'm not going to. Sorry. D:
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Considering Doctor Who has a bajillion seasons and Firefly has 14 episodes, you do the math. XD
12. Give a random quote from 5.
-points to icon- :D
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 1?
What. WHAT. WHAT?! NO. D: Even though... the Doctor would just regenerate so I guess that's the safest fandom to ask this question for... but just NO. D: I just lost Ten to radiation poisoning when radiation is supposed to make him dance :(, I'm not going to lose Eleven after four episodes even hypothetically.
14. If you could be anyone from 3, who would you be?
I may be crazy for this (pun?), but River. I just think it would be astounding to have the mind of a psychic genius even if she was kind of.... tortured into paranoid schizophrenia.
15. Which character from 5 would be a good guest star on 2?
Dude, I would pay all of the money my school would take over my four years to see Barney Stinson with an ability. WHAT WOULD IT BE? The power of perrrsuaaaasion? Shapeshifting so those ridiculous plots of his to get laid would actually work? Discuss.
16. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Dude, it's been done and it was amazing. And by "it's been done" I mean somebody wrote up what could be a summary for one and it worked so well. Hold on, lemme see if I can find it...
**NOTE** : I did not write this.
Ozai is an ambitious leader of the mighty Alliance, Iroh is a former Operative, Azula's on the fast track to becoming one, and all Zuko knows is he has to find the Avatar, an Alliance experiment gone horribly wrong. On an icy moon near the Rim, Katara and Sokka, children of an Independent fighter, get their verse turned inside out when they discover a 12 year old boy in cryogenic sleep. Stir in Firefly characters to preference, and add to taste: Appa the ship, Momo the ... whatever, Suki or Yue the Companion, and Toph the gun-slinging waif-fu muscle.
17. Pair 2 characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Claire and Peter? I mean, seriously, is that even a question? They're related but they're oh so canon anyway. I mean, their eyesex is like whoa. -- LOL totally realised that 2 was not the number of the show. UM. In Doctor Who? Jack/Donna. I read a really good fanfiction once, heh.
18. Has 5 inspired you in any way?
It has turned me on to the idea that high fives should be done as frequently as possible.
19. Overall, which show has a better cast, 2 or 4?
Oooooh. If we're talking about actors, 2, just because I know what they all look like. XD
20. Which has better theme music, 3 or 5?
Nothing beats out the Firefly theme. Nada, nothing, nilch.
(Wow, that just killed about an hour. Hurrah. :P)