I've been hit by that writing bug.

Feb 10, 2010 04:03

I swear, since my Ireland/England trip I've suddenly been inspired to write. A lot. I think I've written probably more than 15,000 words since January (although I've only posted the three Doctor Who fics and the one Paire of that, amounting to maybe 3000). Well, I suppose this is better than not being inspired at all. XD Writer's block isn't fun. Writing bugs are. I'm just grateful this particular one has hit when we had the never-happens-ever snow days.

Anyway, among these fics I've been spouting out is a very-much potential multi-chapter Paire fic that I'm actually almost done two chapters of already. Within two days. It's AU, but not in the way that the umbrella-AU fic I was (am?) planning is. I got inspired for it while reading The House Of The Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne, of all things, but other than a few surface similarities it actually has nothing to do with that. But I won't spoil you.

And this, hopefully, won't prove to be another disappointment where I run out of fuel for ficcage. For one, I actually have a really good idea of where I'm headed. For two, my wonderful friend izilen has made it her solemn duty to pester pester pester me to finish. Her words, not mine. Seriously:

12:19:29 AM Idifol: LEGASP.
12:19:34 AM Idifol: Chaka is writing a multi-chapter.
12:19:37 AM Chaka/Carrie: I KNOW.
12:19:45 AM Chaka/Carrie: Let's hope this goes better than my other attempts. XD
12:19:54 AM Idifol: <.< I'm warning you now: I'm not letting you abandon it. xD I'll pester pester pester.
12:19:58 AM Chaka/Carrie: Okay. XD
12:20:03 AM Chaka/Carrie: Maybe that's exactly what I need.
12:20:07 AM Chaka/Carrie: Somebody to pester pester pester.
12:21:07 AM Idifol: XD Kay. Will do.

And excuse me a moment while I giggle over the revelation that "pester" is almost "Peter"... hee, early morning discoveries. ANYWAY. Yes. I'm hopeful. Somehow I've miraculously gotten better with plots (which have never been easy for me in longer fics, lemme tell you) and I'm hoping that wherever this writing bug has come from it doesn't let go anytime soon.

But yeah. :D Just thought I'd let you all know I'M ALIVE AND I'M OFFICIALLY BACK. And let's hope it stays that way.


tv: heroes, fanfiction

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