Nov 05, 2009 22:19

Okay. I have no problems with there being school-sponsored parties in McDaniel Lounge... on Friday or the weekends. Hello!? People live above the lounge! McDaniel Hall is a dorm building in addition to a place to hold events. It's currently 10:20 and there's been heavy techno and punk music playing down there since probably 7PM. It shouldn't have taken me two hours to read the last 20 pages of my reading for today. Maybe one hour (it is a 1931 stream-of-consciousness novel, after all), but not two.

That's just ridiculous. It's Thursday evening. They usually hold these things in the Forum, which makes a lot more sense considering it's in a building where people don't live.

It's just very frustrating. :( I wish they had considered us before hosting it there. -sigh- Well, I've got my reading done, so I guess there's no harm to it anymore. I just felt the need to rant. Hopefully appropriately. xD

That aside, YAY, I finished all my tests! I have my fingers crossed for Lit By Women--we had to write four mini-essays in only an hour, and I had to outline the last two to get it done completely. She wouldn't let us go past 3 PM (our class typically lets out at 2:50), so the last two were seriously rushed but I hope she got the gist of what I would've written about had I the time to.

Southern Appalachia SUCKED. I think those two teachers should never, ever teach together. We learn barely anything--

OOOH THEY'RE PLAYING "BEAT IT"! FINALLY SOME GOOD TASTE! ...Except it's remixed. Bastards. You don't mess with MJ.

--we barely learn anything. They don't work well together. And I have a feeling that's going to reflect in the exams if how myself and several others feel about it is any indication. It doesn't help that this is our only grade, really, and it's the midterm and midterms were supposed to be 3 weeks ago. I guess we'll see what happens Tuesday. If they don't do things differently or curve it or something I'm sure I'm not the only one who's going to throw a fit.

Horror Fiction today wasn't too bad at all! The test was 10 questions long and the only one I had serious problems with was the concept of doubling in Jekyll & Hyde. Inverted, Mirrored, and Split-Self doubling. The only one I was completely sure of was Jekyll/Hyde for the split-self (obviously); I also put them down for inverted and put Mr. Utterson/Lanyon down for mirrored, but I wasn't entirely sure on that one. :/ I don't remember talking about most of the doubling for that story. But we must have. I just must not have written it down in my notes. But yeah! Overall I'm feeling very confident about that test.

Hehe, I had the best epiphany for the question "Discuss the significance of William Wilson's name." (Edgar Allan Poe's "William Wilson") I did the obvious "both start with the syllable 'will,' indicating a doubling of oneself. But then I noticed if you split his first and last name up it was "Will I Am" And "Wil Son." The first can be rearranged to say "I Am Will" and the second can be read as "Will's Son," which kind of gives the impression that William created a part of himself, and in the story there's a second WIlliam Wilson (that's actually himself) that he can't control. XD I felt insanely clever considering I didn't actually read that story. Heh. >_>

But yeah. Fingers crossed! Here goes nothing. :D

rant, school

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