FlashForward, anyone? (AKA Big TV post of doom)

Sep 25, 2009 22:33

The only problem I have with this show so far is that it's on at the same time Bones is.

Okay, so I had a few friends rec the show to me--and when I say they recommended it to me I actually mean one of them started a thread on a forum I moderate and the others all chimed in saying "YES :D"--so I checked it out. And I am still in awe, even though I watched it much earlier today.

When I first read the concept behind it, I was kind of like, "...that sounds entirely stupid." Yet something about it must've intrigued me, because I watched it. And I loved the pilot episode so, so much.

Okay, for those who don't know, the basic concept of the show is this: A mysterious global event causes everyone on the planet to simultaneously experience, for two minutes and seventeen seconds, his or her life six months in the future. When it is over, many are dead in accidents involving vehicles, aircraft, and any other device needing human control. Everyone who survived is left wondering if what they saw will actually happen.

The premise sounds a bit cliché or something akin to that, but it's really the characters in the show that bring the story to life--and the mysteries surrounding the glimpses of the future they saw. The person I'd consider the main character, FBI Agent Mark Benford, starts up an investigation called the "Mosaic Collective," planning to piece together the fragments of the future from as many people as he can on a website in order to try and find out what, or who, caused this to happen.

I'm really intrigued. It reminds me a bit of Lost, only easier to follow. I hope it lives up to my expectations, because based on the pilot alone they're already really, really high.

Also, I've recently watched both seasons of Chuck (if you haven't already figured that out), and I just have to say: another amazing show!! I caught glimpses of it while waiting for Heroes occasionally last year, but I only watched it a week or so ago. It's hilarious, witty, charming, and it has Adam Baldwin, one of my favourite people ever, and Zachary Levi, who's quickly becoming one of my favourite people ever. I can't believe I have to wait until MARCH for the next season. It's so very frustrating. But I know I'll anxiously await the day. :)

Other TV reactions so far this season:

How I Met Your Mother: Can you say legen--wait for it!--DARY? This show really doesn't disappoint. They're looking at the whole Barney/Robin thing in a way that makes perfect sense for their characters, and in the past I thought that would've been REALLY hard to do. Eventually they'll admit that they're boyfriend and girlfriend. Denial only gets you so far.

Heroes: Can you believe I thought a 2 hour premiere was a bit too long? I loved it though! I can't really say much on it until they get more into the story of the season (because that's still quite the mystery), but it's intriguing. :) I want to know what's up with that compass, and if her roommate really did kill herself or if it was somehow staged that she did. Something about that seems off--maybe it was the pressure, but it just was so... unexpected. There has to be more to it. :( But yes, I can't wait until the next episode.

Castle: Another epic season premiere! I'm so glad this show got renewed--Nathan Fillion definitely deserved it. I still love how it's a light-hearted mystery/crime show because I think that's what makes it so unique when compared to other ones. Let's hope it continues to be awesome. :)

Glee: Still feeling this show out. It has its ups and downs for me, but I liked the last episode a lot so I think that may prove to be a good sign. :) Fingers crossed!

Bones: Both the premiere and the second episode were awesome, though I have to admit I loved the second episode of the season a lot more than the premiere. The premiere felt a little rushed to me, but the second was paced just right. Which is a bit ironic, I think, since the second was more fast-paced. XD But it worked in context with the episode, so yeah. Also looking forward to more episodes from this show. :D

Dollhouse: Just tonight! I'm so glad this show was given a chance for a second season. Joss Whedon hasn't had any luck with his shows since Angel ended in 2004, despite Firefly's awesomeness, so the fact that he got a second season at all is both amazing and stupendous. Now let's hope that FOX doesn't ruin it. Anyway, I love that they looked a little bit at the whole Topher/Claire dynamic a bit more because that's been eating away at me, but somehow I feel like it left even more questions compared to the ones it answered. Also, I'm beginning to like Ballard a lot more and I think his whole dynamic with Echo is getting more and more interesting. Here's to a good season. :)

Wow, can I ramble or what? XD Yeah. That's it. I felt like I needed to spazz a bit. So yay!

tv: how i met your mother, tv: dollhouse, tv: bones, tv: flashforward, tv: castle, tv: glee, tv: chuck, tv: heroes

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