Feb 14, 2004 17:44
(I hate the subject column) I had kind of a zany week. Lots of wierd stuff goin on. First of all... valentines day- I enjoy the tradition, but here in america it has become national "Say how much you love someone based on how much you spend" day and it's fucking absurd. I spent all morning talking to my sweetheart, which was really really nice, we had lots to talk about and it left me with a huge smile on my face. I got my passport this week as well, the people at the agency are assholes though; lots of demanding and trying to sound like they're interrogating you. just pushy jerks. government blah blah. A lot of drama was cleared up last night, I don't need to elaborate, but let it stand that those involoved (you know who you are) Have cleared a lot of the fuzzy, misunderstood parts for me. And I thank you deeply. Your honesty and frankness was much better than beating around the bush.
What else... I filed taxes today, and I get a FATTY refund, which I will promptly spend on crack and/or male prostitues.
My trip draws nearer each day, as does my anexity to just BE there already. Also... forgive any spelling errors, I didn't have time to look over the post. RL siempre
To the one who loves as I do: I, in turn, hope you hold no specific angst for me. I apologize for any sorrow I have caused you, and I seriously hope something good could blossom from all of this. I wish you the best through hard times, and thank you for being another kind soul to C' in a world full of assholes.