(no subject)

Sep 04, 2005 09:05

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1) Is ltdata a college student? Yep
2) Does firewuff travel a lot? Yep.. though I doubt he wanted to travel back home
3) Is mewwie dead sexy? Necro is pretty gross.. but he does make some sexy art
4) Would desertfoxnick be a better ninja or pirate? I'd guess ninja
5) How long would nikicole0384 dating greypaws last? Until she found someone else she liked more.. but first, Grey needs to figure out what he wants with his current relationship
6) If tealfox and nikicole0384 were spliced together, what would it be like? Like combining matter and anti-matter
7) If phildafeline and nikicole0384 were siamese twins, where would they be joined? Cat tail
8) Does zaineotter drink? Not sure..
9) What is botcat's favorite movie? Can't even guess.. it's likely something obscure, since he seems to stray from the mainstream
10) Is ninetales a nerd? uhh.. he DOES have a LiveJournal
11) Does aimlesscoyote smoke? Unless there are some kind of smoked herbal remedies (pot is not included), I guess not..
12) Are vaeladven and tealfox married? Nope
13) If kylefox took over the world, who would suffer? I'd guess opponents of pot legalization
14) Could you see ninetales and clairchocobo together? Haven't talked to either in quite a while..
15) If nikicole0384 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Neuter-Man
16) Where was charmy born? I dunno.. a hospital somewhere?
17) What video game does nikicole0384 remind you of? Breakout
18) What is kylefox's shoe size? I'd say just a bit larger than his foot size
19) What would you do if zaineotter died? What kind of fatalist question is this?
20) Would psycocharmander go out with zaineotter? No idea.. these questions seem to be turning into a lot of things I can't even guess
21) Would psycocharmander and simbalion look good together? Couldn't say
22) Is greypaws a high school student? Nope..
23) How tall is l0ne_w0lf? Depends on what your resolution and monitor size are
24) Which president would greypaws be likely to idolize? I have no idea..
25) One quality you find attractive in firewuff? Easy to get along with, and a good friend
26) Is kylefox popular? Seems to be
27) What languages does l0ne_w0lf speak? l337 lolz (Canadian, actually.. eh)
28) If psychowolfpup and botcat were spliced together, what would be its name? Ozy
29) Does quilliant have a big secret? If I knew that, it wouldn't be much of a secret
30) Is desertfoxnick 1337? I don't think he's that old..
31) What mental disorder does aimlesscoyote remind you of? MPD (Major roleplayer..)
32) Is irchance an emo? If I said he was, he'd cry
33) What is arctic_puma's favorite color? I dunno, so I'll say purple.. since purple is hawt
34) What would firewuff do differently in your shoes? I don't want to know what Fire would do in my shoes.. I don't think he's into feet though..
35) What color should l0ne_w0lf dye their hair? Purple.. see above
36) Thoughts on mewwie? What kind of cheap question is that?
37) Would you ever date lotusjuggalo17? That would be an abomination to God
38) What do you disagree with iceleron about? I disagree with the way this quiz assumes I disagree with something
39) Has charmy dyed their hair? Dunno..
40) If botcat were hanging off a cliff, what would brownleopard do? Probably continue on with his life.. I can't even guess how he would know someone was hanging off a cliff
41) Would you set up lostcause065 and simbalion? This Sunday, hell in a cell! I'm callin' you out, Hogan!
42) Has brownleopard been to your house/dorm? Nope
43) Is phildafeline introverted or extroverted? Don't know..
44) What do you agree with thraxarious about? Thai food is awesome
45) Would you make out with firewuff? I plead the Fif'.. but not, since I'm in a relationship (and he is as well)
46) Do you think l0ne_w0lf is hot? It's pretty cool up there in Canada, eh
47) Where did you first meet quitetheloser? School
48) Where would loopter most like to visit? Dunno
49) What animal should clairchocobo be combined with? A chocobo?
50) What word best describes lostcause065? Jerkface
51) How long have you known iceleron? Well, I first talked to him a few years ago..
52) What would simbalion give lostcause065 for his/her birthday? Nothing?
53) One thing you can't stand about daphr33kyone? Needs to get away from home some time
54) Does kylefox know zaineotter? Not that I know of
55) How many monkeys could phildafeline fight at once and win against? Rabid or tame monkeys?
56) Is arctic_puma single? Dunno
57) What comic book character would phildafeline be? Cat..man?
58) Is ltdata friends with crisseh? Don't think they know each other..
59) Where was desertfoxnick born? Uhhh.. Maine?
60) What is psychowolfpup allergic to? Dumb people
61) Do brownleopard and firewuff go to the same school? Nope
62) Would simbalion and firewuff make a good couple? Well, if we look at history..
63) Do you have a crush on mewwie? Nope.. but his art is still pretty good
64) Does mewwie have a crush on arctic_puma? Don't think they know each other
65) How would ltdata conquer the world? Mathemagic?
66) Did brownleopard break up with you? Nope
67) Are lostcause065 and charmy going out? If they are, it isn't to the same place
68) psychowolfpup's hair color? Hair..ish
69) What would crisseh think of phildafeline? "lol a furry"
70) Are brownleopard and quilliant going steady? A bit wobbly.. (they don't even know each other)
71) Does nikicole0384 go to your school? MY SCHOOL, FUCKERS! ..err.. used to
72) If phildafeline had a superpower, what would it be? Appearing in random quiz questions way too much
73) What rank would psycocharmander have in a giant robot army? "Meatbag"? I mean, in a robot army, a person wouldn't have much going for them..
74) What planet should loopter be from? Earth..
75) What exotic animal would clairchocobo like as a pet? Dunno..
76) Do you have thraxarious's screenname? Yep..
77) If iceleron commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Depends on what the army was going to do, doesn't it?
78) What is psychowolfpup's favorite band/artist? No idea
79) Have you ever dated aimlesscoyote? Nope
80) Is greypaws athletic? Not sure
81) quitetheloser's eye color? I suck.. shut up
82) What is irchance's favorite food? Food..
83) Which of your friends should firewuff go out with? Vaeladven (.. who, oddly, hasn't shown up in this quiz.. at all?)
84) What song/movie would you recommend to iceleron? Dunno..
85) Does greypaws do drugs? Nope
86) If lotusjuggalo17 took over the world, who would be happy? That's what I'm asking.. who?
87) Does ninetales have a dog? Could be
88) What animal does simbalion remind you of? This is a tough one.. hmm.. I just can't think of one.. (obvious sarcasm)
89) Is nhlatinclubprez related to kylefox? Nope
90) What is lostcause065's favorite game? Super Punch-Out
91) What flavor of jello would loopter be? Loopster-flavored
92) Is iceleron in a relationship? Dunno
93) Is loopter your best friend? Nope
94) How would lotusjuggalo17 kill aimlesscoyote? Invoking the wrath of God
95) Have you flirted with daphr33kyone? Probably some time when I was a Mithra in FFXI..
96) When did you last call clairchocobo? Nevar!
97) Is nikicole0384 related to you? Nope
98) What would you do if you found out aimlesscoyote has a crush on you? Pick it up and drink it.. especially good if it's orange Crush
99) What is simbalion's biggest flaw? Easy to incite an argument.. hard to accept another's word (meant in a friendly way, of course)
100) Would you wrestle kylefox in jello? That would be weird..

I don't know very much about my friends, I guess.. but I'm not too apt to think too hard right after work.
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