Tooth and Claw

Apr 24, 2006 01:04

Yay!! This was, I can say without reservation, an *excellent* episode. DT's Scottish accent? Yum. Lots of freckle shots? *YUM*. Kay, enough 10doc drooling. On to the review.

RTD did a great job with the plot this time, so well done him; I actually think this is the first script he's written without a deus ex machina ending, in most cases literally (He's done Rose, WW3 & Aliens of London, Boom Town, Bad Wolf and Parting of the Ways, as well as New Earth. He may have done End of the World as well, not sure.). Instead, he set up the resolution with hints and tidbits throughout and tied it all up nice and satisfactory at the end. Well done Russ!! Once again, the Doctor screws up (this time the century, not the year), but it results in him and Rose having a great time. Some people are peeved by their slightly flippant attitude towards events, but I think they *need* to be enjoying this, or else why do it? So I love it when they enthuse together about things. "We just met Queen Victoria!" "I *know*!" And I think the second explosion of spontaneous giggles was more a release of tension than inappropriate gaiety. After being chased by bloodthirsty werewolf, they've just blockaded it out of the library and had time for a sigh of relief and time to freak out a bit. Then, Rose: "I'll tell you what, though..." The Doctor looks at her, starting to grin. Rose: "*Werewolf*!!" The Doctor; "Yeah!! I *know*!!" They glomp each other. See? Release of tension moment. I also love the way the Doctor breathed his first line after seeing the werewolf; "That's *beautiful*." He's so fascinated by the thing he almost lets it eat him before he remembers, "Oh yeah, I should be running!"

I like Rose immediately assuming the 'werewolf' is actually an alien possessing a human body (she remembers The Unquiet Dead, oh yes indeed), and she's right! So well done, Rose; continuity can make you smarter. Also well done on her coordinating the prisoners and pulling the chain out of the wall, effectively saving everyone even before the Doctor came charging in. Loved her angry, "Where the hell have you been?!" as he arrives just in time to see the werewolf busting out to kill them all. Don't be mean, Rose; he had to listen to all the exposition before he could come to the rescue. That exposition won't just exposit itself, y'know? And the resolution was satisfying, and logical enough to not leave me going WTF?? like I was a bit after the last episode. Yay for saving Queen Victoria! But alas, she is not amused by her saviors' flippant attitudes, and promptly banishes them after knighting them. ... I know, right?? She then founds Torchwood (the name of werewolf mansion is actually Torchwood House) in order to defend Britain from the Doctor, as he's a threat. Somehow. Apparently. Okay, granted, they don't call him 'The Oncoming Storm' for nothing, but 9 times out of 10 it's not *his* fault, and he *does* usually manage to save everyone. Well, almost. Okay, at *least* he usually saves the main characters. Also, the Royal Family are quite possibly werewolves. Hee.

And in conclusion, Yay!! And also, for once the common girl that Rose was nice to DIDN'T DIE! So yay for that as well! And a great big YAY for TORCHWOOD!!!
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