Feb 01, 2009 14:35
Cross posted from Facebook.
Rules: Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I would like to know more about you.
1. I play chess.
2. I have training in fencing.
3. I love lazertag.
4. I like reading devotionals.
5. I prefer FPS and RPG games.
6. I like the works of Michael A. Stackpole and Timothy Zahn
7. I'm a fan of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
8. I like most mech animes.
9. I love mech games.
10. I tend fold a leg underneath me when I sit down.
11. I like composite rings.
12. I like Christian symbols and logo design.
13. I like Celtic symbols.
14. I like recurved swords.
15. I like archery.
16. I study the arts of stealth and attacks that end fights in one move.
17. I liked biking.
18. I like classical/rock hybrid music.
19. I like fantasy movies.
20. I know photoshop really well.
21. I usually wear cargo pocket pants with at least two things in the belt loops.
22. I can model just about anything.
23. I have a rather large inion.
24. I like kayaking.
25. I like cooking.
I'll touch up (in the nice way) a photo of the person who notices the 26th fact. (Hint you have to notice a pattern in all the other numbers.) The winner from facebook will not be eligible for the LJ award.
I've deleted the redundant tags and since my list is short to begin with, I have not reached the 25 mark.
Tagging:airehen, ancientguru, banazir, bethy_beth, chiron583, crazycrl_2003, erunion,hopefulone03, koinegeek, nightxvisions, origamigrl, pearlkyutie, pscion, scionofgrace, thewhiteotter, vietngo, whimsical_m,