Nov 21, 2007 14:48
They say love is blind, that the object of affection is the scarf that taints and obscures all else. This I agree with this observation to a point but I also disagree with it on certain conclusions. I would say that the love one feels for another taints ones views and opinions, that it influences the feelings and eventually the actions and life of a person. How much it affects each lover though is dependent on the emotional proximity of the lovers. Granted, love at first restricts the one pinning to see only the positive attributes of that which he or she loves but it only lasts for a while as the biochemical effects wear off. When this happens there can be only a several outcomes; a) the lovers begin to see each other's flaws and start to hate each other for it thinking that they deceived each other when it was love that deceived them and not each other b)the lovers begin to see each other flaws and instead of emotionally separating, they overlook each other's flaws and developing their love more or c) the lovers begin to see each other's differences and separate, thinking that the opposite partner is incompatible for the other. These results of course are a bit generic and could almost endlessly be affected by such conditions as communication, time spent with each other, physical contact/proximity, and physical and emotional well-being to given potentially infinite outcomes. The more the communication and depth of communication, the better the emotionally relationship there is. The more physical contact/proximity, the more chances there are for communication, pleasure, and conflict resolution. One could make the observation that physical stimuli is the catalyst for emotional connection. I could be wrong though, the only basis I have of love, true love, is the the accounts of others in love, the writings of others on love and my own observations of love. I have never had a relationship of my own simply because I never exercised/developed/matured my emotions enough and because I wanted to do some self improvement before I got into a relationship. |\/|`/ 53450|\| 0|# (31!84(`/ |\/|4`/83 83 \|/4|\|!|\|6, +|-|3 ?|_|35+!0|\| ! \|/0|\||)3|2 480|_|+ +|-|3 |\/|05+ |\|0\|/ !5 \|/!11 ! |-|4\/3 +|-|3 0|>|>0|2+|_||\|!+`/ +0 |\/|4|( 3 |\/|`/ 53450|\| |2314+!0|\|5|-|!|> \|/4%!|\|6?