May 04, 2007 12:58
Dear Friends of Sassafras Grove,
Join us for our annual Sassafras Grove Beltane Rite and Community Picnic to be held on Saturday, May 5, 2007 at the Valley Heights Grove in South Park. We welcome all Pagans and Pagan-friendly people to join us for one of the Pittsburgh Pagan Community's longest-running traditions. This will be an all-day event with feasting, festivity, and family fun!
Our rite honors Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love, sex, beauty, seduction and happiness. As we celebrate the true height of Spring in bloom, we ask for Aphrodite's blessings to ignite the flames of passion within ourselves.
*Your choice of three Maypole activities: Maypole dancer, Circle dancer or Drummer. Please note that Maypole signup closes at 2:00PM; however, latecomers can still be Circle dancers or Drummers.
*Special Maypole ribbons will be provided!!!
*Come prepared to bid on highly coveted goods and services at our live auction!!! Minimum bids start as low as $5-$15!! Cash and cheques accepted.
*Open Bardic Circle...calling all instruments, voices and ears!!!
*Potluck picnic
*Flower crowns
*Children's activities
*Crowning of May King and Queen
*Flowers and ribbons to share for making flower crowns.
*A potluck dish for all to share. Bring your own beverage.
*Alcohol is ok for 21+ but please NO GLASS containers per park rules.
*Seating/table space is limited! Please bring camp chairs, blankets, camp tables, etc.
*Grills are ok, but open fires are not permitted.
*There is no electricity! Please bring flashlights, lanterns, coolers, chafing dishes, etc.
*Musical instruments and drums.
*It can get cold! Bring warm clothing just in case.
*Incredibly stylish Sassafras Grove T-shirts will be available ($12.00)
*Please turn off all cell phones and pagers prior to the start of the rite.
*Our rites are free and open to the Community, but we do rely on the donations of those who are able to defray the cost of space rental and ritual and picnic supplies. Please remember, even a dollar can help make the difference between having our costs covered and the members having to pay them out of our own pockets. Support your local Druids!
Articles explaining our theme and much more can be found at our website Follow the links to the "Next Up" page. Please send any questions to Someone will get back to you shortly.
Bright Blessings of Spring,
Scribe, Sassafras Grove, ADF
Pittsburgh, PA