something that annoys me

Jan 07, 2005 19:17

This annoys me, it comes from a forum that I go to regularly and was posted in a topic about religion.

"The only belief I hold is that we make our own path in life, and that if I'm wrong and god does exhist and he sends me to hell for not believing then he is the bigger bastard."

Okay, first things first: besides a completely hedonistic attitude towards religion and the way to life one's life, he has a complete misconception of God. Religion is never about judgement. It is never about persecution, conversion, or control. Religion is, quite simply, about choice. You have the choice to do the right thing and the wrong thing. You can believe in God and go to heaven, or you can deny God and go to hell. That is your own choice, and God should never be held accountable for that. That he would have the base audacity to make such a claim blows my mind.

Not to mention he spelled "exist" wrong and has extremely weak sentence structure.
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