Sep 15, 2008 23:29
So highlight of my day today is that afterschool, there was three gr9ers (I think they were atleast) who were arguing with each other. Two guys and one girl. Guy A was all pissy towards Girl because she was hanging out with Guy B all yesterday and was going to hang out with him today too. Guy A was all like, "Why are you choosing him over me?! Why does he get to decide?! How come you're not hanging out with me?!" and the girl was like, "What are you talking about? etc...) And the other guy, guy B was making snide comments about guy A. It was pretty damn hilarious with a lot of drama.
I also happen to know Guy A. He is the tool who delivered newspaper for 2 weeks, asked me for some ramen and borrowed my sisters $10 scooter bought from a garage sale but never gave it back. He apparently gave it to one of my "friends" to give back to me. Riiiiight.
He is also in my martial arts class, is the one who is loud spoken in it, and I think was driving the instructors crazy a bit. (Give it a couple of more classes and they'll get there. xD)
Now on to other important topics. I want to to take Law12 next semester but I already have a heavy course next semester. I'm taking English12, Calculus12, Bio12, CHoir 12 and ongoing and everdreaded planning. Planning is an afterschool thing so I have a lunch block but then I'll take 5 classes in a row. >___> And I heard from my friend who is taking law this semester that it's really fun. .____.
Should I take it? Can I pull off 5 classes in a row? .____.