I want to know 20 things about you. I don't care if we've never talked, never liked each other, or if we already know everything about each other. I really don't care. You are obviously on my list, so let me know with whom I'm friends! Just copy and paste these questions into the comment window and then simply type your responses after each
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2. Age: 25 3/4
3. Single or Taken: Taken
4. Favorite Movie: Leonard, Part VI
5. Favorite Song: "Blue Murder" by Niham Parsons
6. Favorite Band/Musician/Artist: Counting Crows
7. Do you have children (names and ages): Loki (3000), Baal (5000)
8. Where do you live: Detroit-ish
HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...
1. Do we know each other outside of Livejournal? Mostly.
2. What's your philosophy on life? Braaaains
3. What do you like to do in your spare time? In my what?
4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Yep. And you still haven't found out about it.
5. What is your favorite memory of us?
6. Would you give me a kidney? Sure, whose do you want?
7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I can consume more sushi in one sitting than a small Japanese lady eats all day.
8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? Absolutely
9. Can we get together and make a cake? Yes! I want cake!
10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Only that you're going to war.
11. Do you say nice things about me? Often.
12. Do you think I'm a good person? One of the best.
13. Would you drive across country with me? Definitely. Especially if it involves explosives or booze.
14. Do you think I'm attractive? Definitely.
15. If you could change anything about me, would you? Yep.
16. What do you wear to sleep? I don't. (wear things or sleep)
17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Eeh... hasn't happened yet, but I'd rather not rule it out.
18. What is your favorite recipe? Pizza, from scratch.
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Kick the ever-loving shit out of some people.. and bake a cake.
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Beat you to it.
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