May 26, 2006 10:00
yay for friday and payday. yay for x-3 tonight. yay/eh for moving tomorrow. excited moving to nicer/larger place. tired from moving as many boxes as possible weds and thurs so we can see movie tonight. i'd forgot just how many books jason and i have. we each have an impressive collection, but together we make a mini library. so tired today. but all boxes but like 4 have been moved so saturday is mainly furniture. and at least 6 people helping other than jason and i. :) so much better than my last move where it was me and my sister in the morniing and me and my mom in the evening. (my mistake for moving on a monday, i learned my leason) anyway, excited but really tired. which is why no moving stuff today if i want to be of any use tomorrow.
i feel k's pain. it's a long weekend and i will be busy the whole time i'd imagine.
but hey i'll be all of 15 mins from work once we move. :) and all of 10 miles as most. so much better than 30+