
May 19, 2010 17:44

So, on this thread I've been hammering out and getting ideas for a 'light' Fate version that focuses on the elements I like -- Aspects.

Loosely, 'Will Timmins' Fate' -- or WTFate. ;)

Current version is, more or less (quoting from above link):
You have Aspects, invoked/tagged/compelled in the normal ways (IE: SotC/DFRPG and similar Fate flavors)

You can 'commit' one Aspect on any given check, adding +2 to the die roll. If this is a contested roll (and many will be, one way or another), a failure dings the Aspect, making it unusable in any fashion until compelled.

Idea: Dinged Aspects gain a consequence that is blocking them. Dashing Swordsman gains a Bruised Kneecap.
This can be Compelled later (trips and falls into the pit!) to lift the Ding.
Maybe another Aspect, or another person's Aspect, or a situational Aspect, can be invoked (spend a Fate point) to lift the ding? (Invoke Grin and Bear It, Healer, Restful Sauna, ...)

With this invoke idea, perhaps require it to be done after the conflict is over? Maybe there should be a general 'dinged Aspects cannot be repaired until the Conflict is over'?

Spin-worthy failure can then lump on additional effects (you fail AND I've 'thrown you against the wall, toppling a bookcase onto you' (sticky)). Maneuvers are still important in having a lower bar to creating various effects (and potentially wider effects).

Conflicts generally end in a concession/compel -- cash in your chips, get an appropriate Aspect lifted as you exit the conflict and cede the encounter to the opponent.
If a party fails an encounter, they can all cede their part of the conflict, each getting at least one compel out of it.
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