Last post of 2008- i figured i didnt write all year- ill get it all in now....
Some 2008 moments.
October is a special month for me.
-Breast Cancer 3day
-My Anniversary with PJ
-I Got engaged
Here is Our Story:
On our 2 year anniversary October 6, 2008 PJ had me get out of work early. He was taking me to the restuarant we had our first date. Waterworks is behind the art museum in Philadelphia. He told me he called to make sure they would still be open by the time we got there. It was around 9:30 we pulled up, parked and instead of going right to the restaurant he wanted to go check out the view under a gasebo over looking boat house row. He began to talk and I didn't know what was happening. As i look away from him thinking "Oh My God.." I turn around to see him on his knee, our restaurant behind him along with a HUGE pink ribbon all in lights on the Amtrack building for breast cancer awareness month (philly is lit up pink for october). I was crying and went down on my knee with him because i couldnt stand up!! We were so excited and have been every since!!! The ribbon has alot of meaning. My mother passed away in 2002 from Breast Cancer. This image of the ribbon gave me a feeling that she was there with us, and letting me know everything will be okay. The area behind and around the art museum has alot of meaning as well. All the mothers day breast cancer walks are held there, PJ ran in the Philadelphia Marathon last year, and I walk in the Breast Cancer 3day which on the second day travels around that area. and we also have our restaurant...which...on October 6th was closed when we got there...
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