There's no way out of this place that any of us have been able to discern. It doesn't look like you'll be getting back to your Realm any more quickly than the rest of us.
[Private to Shinigami || Unhackable]
I've been told that at least one of you looked like a canary spliced with a roach. While this is a somewhat funny visual, I have to ask...
What is your name, and do you mean us any harm?
[ooc: XD my LJ spellchecker insists that when I write 'shinigmi' I MUST mean 'bigamist.' Just thought I'd mention, I thought it was funny! ALSO, just an observation but- It occurs to me, it should be really interesting when Rem sees the ghost people of Nihil: I wonder what she'll think of seeing that their lifespans have run-out??]
My name is Rem, and I have no intention to harm anyone unless you proved to be dangerous for Misa.
[OOC: striked words gone again. About the ghosts...Rem has not seen them yet, and I will sure make another entry when she does. Rem is nearby the playground, but she is not paying attention to anyone around her for the moment.]
You're saying that you're not human?
Do you know how to leave this place? I have to go.
There's no way out of this place that any of us have been able to discern. It doesn't look like you'll be getting back to your Realm any more quickly than the rest of us.
[Private to Shinigami || Unhackable]
I've been told that at least one of you looked like a canary spliced with a roach. While this is a somewhat funny visual, I have to ask...
What is your name, and do you mean us any harm?
[ooc: XD my LJ spellchecker insists that when I write 'shinigmi' I MUST mean 'bigamist.' Just thought I'd mention, I thought it was funny! ALSO, just an observation but- It occurs to me, it should be really interesting when Rem sees the ghost people of Nihil: I wonder what she'll think of seeing that their lifespans have run-out??]
My name is Rem, and I have no intention to harm anyone unless you proved to be dangerous for Misa.
[OOC: striked words gone again. About the ghosts...Rem has not seen them yet, and I will sure make another entry when she does. Rem is nearby the playground, but she is not paying attention to anyone around her for the moment.]
[ooc:cool, cool- I look forward to that!]
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