I stole the idea for this from Colin and livinglifeloud. It seems like a good way to get things off your chest even if the people they're meant for will never read them (on my part at least). Feel free to read and ask if you want, idk. Yeah.
1. Do you ever miss me? Or do I mean anything to you at all? I’m a little bit in love with you, incase you didn’t know. Oh well.
2. Are you having fun? Because you’ve burned this bridge too many times. Don’t call me. I want nothing to do with you. Maybe when you grow the fuck up, maybe then I’ll be able to look and not cringe. Maybe.
3. Dude, I’ve had THE biggest crush on you since SEVENTH grade. Care to tell me why?
4. I’m not, nor will I be any time soon, over you. Get the fuck over it.
5. “I don’t love you like I loved you yesterday” Sad how fitting it is for the way I feel about you.
6. Calm down yeah? Maybe come get a drink with me? These people aren’t your friends and you’re only giving them more to use against you.
7. Seriously? In all honesty? No one will take you seriously until you take yourself serious. So stop bitching to me about being called all these horrible things while you go out and whore around and give people REASON to believe that you are the way they presume that you are.
8. Sweetie, she doesn’t love you. Never did. You’re just going to get hurt again. I’m sorry.
9. I think the reason we became so much closer is because I realized that you have flaws just like everyone else (More than me? For real?) and I didn’t feel threatened by you anymore. Thank you.
10. Did you ever stop and think about all the people surrounding you? I know I can be held just as responsible for holding my tongue but you’re a grown ass man. The things I let you get away with are stupid and selfish and I’m sorrier than you’ll ever know. But what about you? Are you sorry?