Sep 15, 2005 21:59
It looks like I jinxed myself.
Everything has gone completely downhill in one night.
My mother told me I was like my father and brother. I am nothing like them. Everyone here has seen what she does to me. They have seen her get angry and yell at me for not forging someone's signature on a welfare form. They have seen her call both me and Eric shit heads for not giving her money that we did not have.
My sister is now giving me shit for talking to my father also. They don't want to talk to me anymore. They want me to think exactly like they do and hate my father.
I know my father has done some fucked up things in the past, but my mother is not exactly perfect either.
They both suck. I talk to both of them becuase I don't think one of them is any better than the other. But my mother is trying her hardest to se me against my father. It worked with my sister, but I can think for myself.
My mothee has completely molded my sister into cannon fire aimed toward my father and I.
It makes me upset to know that my whole family is split. I miss having a family, whether they're crazy or not. Unfortunately they've become so crazy that they can't even be crazy together, if that makes any sense in some crazy way.
I'm just so sick of fighting with everyone, I wish it would all just stop. No matter how hard I try to make things right, they end up getting fucked up in the end. I just wish I could put an end to it, but nothing ever works.
Now I'm ranting.