i think the most supportive friend, always laughing at not funny jokes.

Jul 12, 2009 21:45

This whole week have been a busy week assignments, trying to catch up with thursdays' and fridays' lessons. Apparently, i have only go for the whole of thursdays lessons 3 times? and friday for 4 times? Its already week 13 and im still slacking away. i hate to feel that time is always never enough, assignments can never be finished.
i have not been able to really sleep well and always feel like giving school a pass. I felt so guilty when i want to skip lessons because im plain lazy and want to sleep more. That day, i actually had a bad dream because i went back to sleep after i hit on the off button to my alarm. I cant really remember what i dreamt about but it's about the lesson and something bad happened because i didnt turn up for class. Kinda silly and stupid right. Omg, i cant believe i just type that into this space.

More pictured added! (:

Emo one corner

Then we head off to rebel. we wanted to try butter, but heard that it's always full, so we decided to skip it cause we dont like to queue. But i need to go there one day!

lots of wolves, very scary. 
we left at around 3 and my bf still stayed awake just to pick me up, love you baby. (:
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