Today is the greatest, day i've ever known...

Nov 12, 2002 17:18

well, not really, but i felt like singing and the top of my lungs and this is the song i chose to sing...i love it...and it is an nice great day i suppose. I'm still floating.
i revel in the joys of coming home to an empty house...unfortunately that was not the case momma was here but she was asleep so it was like no one was home...adn shorly after, my papa came home...but stayed outside. Anyway, i still wish i was home alone.
but alas, i'm not...gosh darn dogs...i want to kick them and throw them away...
blah once again. so many thought running through my head...mmmm maybe i'll make some chicken soup since my papa wont get me any...
i'm glad i started to write again. i missed it. i dont know why i didnt. not ehough time...and i never thought anyone read it. i suppose its sort of voyeristic to want people to read it. i dont know. i dont know if i can trust that many people. oh well. i know Rose reads it*hi honey!!!*but thats cool coz i trust her.
i want to write a love letter...its hard for me to though. its hard to get my houghts and feelings completely if you couldnt tell.
but...yea my mind is wandering off into a million different i guess i'll end this for now. But maybe if i have more time later tonight, i'll write more!!
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