Who: Everyone
What: Arrival
When: Evening
Notes: new comments instead of replies!
When you awake you find yourself on board a plane. It seems as though you've been on it for quite some time even though you don't think so. After all, you couldn't have been on the plane all that time because you were back in your own world, right? If you try to get up and take a look around, a flight attendant will inform you that it is dangerous to do such a thing because the plane has been experiencing turbulence. The plane hits an air pocket or two and the captain of the plane tells everyone on board to stay in their seats and fasten their seat belts.
He tries to read the meters and gauges, but they're all malfunctioning. "Everyone please stay in your seats and prepare yourselves, we're going in for a crash landing!" He says out loud over the intercom. The plane shakes as it begins to make a nosedive down towards the set of islands below. You hold on for dear life and close your eyes, bracing yourself. Do you scream? Do you yell? Call out for your loved ones? Whatever you do, it will all end in the same result. The plane crashes. And when you come to, you find yourself on a deserted island. You're still inside the plane though and it's leaking fuel. You may want to get out now before you perish with it.